
Ok question cause I’m bored. If you had to do it again would you take Jalen Hurts over Deandre in the 2nd round?
I think I would especially giving him the time to groom behind Stanford.

Not a chance. Swift is probably our best back since Barry. You don’t trade that away for a backup QB.

I think Hurts is gonna be really good

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I wish I liked him more. So I could truthfully say, “Love Hurts.”


Just flipped the game back on, why’d they pull Hurts?

Not impressed with Hurts.

“Sometimes Loooove, don’t feel like it should…”

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So they dont win and mess up their draft position

Not a chance at all.

It’s the 4th quarter and hurts completed 7 passes. Of which like 3 were screens. So maybe that?

Nope, you are overthinking it. They are straight up tanking. You dont pass up a gimme fg to tie on 4th and 5 if you want to win

Hurts got hurt… and NO I wouldn’t take him. Once defense adjust and make him throw he’s done. He can’t get to his 3rd progression, not even sure he sees his second some times.

He is a terrible NFL QB with little future outside of being a backup. Who wants to draft bad players?