Hutchinson played his ass off tonight and

unfortunately i thought he may have played with a concussion at the end of the game. he looked a little dazed. perhaps he was just out of gas having spent everything for the whole game.

i usually don’t complain about the refs, and he didn’t seem to bitch about it, but i’d say it looked like he was getting held out there.

overall i thought the both DEs played well tonight. but they lions need more push up front from their interior DLmen. yeah he’s patrick mahomes and he’s good but somebody gotta fill in that gap when the QB steps up.


Hutch was a GD monster. We all know the RT was cheating. Hutch still had like, 1764 pressures.


That’s a pretty good OL they were playing against and Mahomes is a magician. Can’t wait to see our pass rush at home next week.

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Hutch needs to stay healthy. He is gonna terrorize folks. Like call the UN peacekeepers because war crimes are about to happen.


Defense won this game. Offense tried to give this game away. Marvin Jones returning to Detroit was a good story. He shouldn’t see the ■■■■■■■ field again!


Definitely not a good game for Jones. I wasn’t expecting him to be the leading receiver or anything but he needs to at least hang on to the ball

They had no answer for Hutch. If Mahomes wasn’t Mahomes, he would have had 5 sacks.


The drops plus the fumble. Had we lost he could have been KCs MVP.

Video in link of Hutch after the game


Love Hutch

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I think he was gassed and frustrated. The chiefs/mahomes and the refs allowing illegal formations and holdings will do that to you


I would release his ass but I also don’t think BJ called a very good game.

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the camera showed a bit of him on the sidelines where a trainer was checking both his arms at the end of the game. it just looked odd to me like they were trying to be really discreet about it.

As a Lions fan I have never, ever, seen anything like that in an opposing stadium. Holy shit.

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This team is so desperate for WR help. Reynolds made a few decent plays but also a few bad ones. I’ll be astonished if Jones is on the roster in October. He is done done. Been saying it all offseason. No way Holmes watched that and said to himself we’re good here. I’m beyond pumped that they just went to arrowhead and won but this is a major major major problem. I hope Holmes finally sees it and starts making some serious offers.


Mahomes is f——g awesome. A generation talent.
And we just BEAT him!!!

It’s honestly the only thing I fault Holmes for. Shouldn’t have gotten to this point. LaPorta and Gibbs look super promising. But ARSB, Jones, and Reynolds just isn’t what you want at WR if you aspire to make a deep playoff run.

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If only we had a fast, defensive stretching super talent.
But he’ll miss more games…
Who f——g cares?!?! We won in arrowhead. Suck it league.


Love this