I Am 100% Sold On Jack Campbell

This guy may be one of my favorite players on the team already. I honestly can’t remember a more impressive introductory press conference by a player and 100% see why our guys were sold on him.

I am not trying to sound like a typical Lions fan drunk off the koolaid after the draft, but this guy just feels like a 10 year fixture on defense as one of the best LBers in the league. Wow I am impressed.


He’s going to be really, really good for a really, really long time. What he’s good at isn’t as valued anymore but he’s still awesome at it.


I have a beef with the whole state of Iowa. I also have an irrational dislike of Chuck Long which is so strong it’s biased me against all Hawkeyes. With all that said, I kind of love this guy. I think I understand IowaManCrush.com now.


It’s that same trend. Capt Jack! 2 time Team Captain. Humble. Nose to the grindstone. Smart. Aggressive. Loves the game.
If you haven’t seen it yet, watch Hookers video. Another fantastic, genuine, guy being human.


Man I can’t remember the last time I felt this way about our team . I feel like I want to buy 40 different jerseys!! This is awesome !!


Should have been here earlier when I bought an ASB jersey just for taking a shot on live TV at every team that didn’t draft him. It was a beautiful moment and should be celebrated. So I celebrated by ordering it.


Yea I am liking me some Capt. Jack! Really like what the front office did here.


love this pick the most, that LB core has been painful to watch.

this guy is massive, look how he has to hunch over to the talk into the mic :rofl:


Has to learn to stay low. Tough for tall guys to get leverage

You mean there’s other kinds? I’ll be dipped.


he’s like the polar opposite of Jamo

Rags is already getting a fishing pole ready for the kid


Why is Trice still there?

Every Iowa game i saw was low scoring, a defensive battle. Has to mean something that JC was on the field leading the D. Let’s hope it translates.

Get in line.

One thing I thought was interesting from LaPortas press conference is he mentioned he was asked in the interview process what teammate he would most want to play with in the NFL and he said Campbell.

These guys play on opposite sides of the ball and must have battled a bunch in practice. I really liked Campbell the player, but I honestly didn’t know much about the person besides he was a hard working good kid.

This may sound crazy but this guy has a chance to be one of the faces of the franchise, even over Hutch. Not saying he is going to be the better player, just the vocal leader that everyone looks too. I really do get Kuechley vibes from this kid.


I know everyone is just in love with the awards, the interviews, his stats, and his RAS. I watch the film and he is not twitchy or explosive and very slow to react. Anyone old enough to remember the Steelers LBs? Lambert was twitchy, intimidating, explosive and violent that’s my kind of LB. That is not Campbell. I guess I would use the term soft or passive but he is smart and is usually in the right place. Maybe at Iowa they didn’t allow him to be aggressive? Drafting this guy just ruined my whole weekend.

Me too.

At least until I see him play.

Then I might change my mind. But I hope I don’t.

Ernie Sims and Jarrod Davis like him though

So this gonna sound like an “OK Boomer” moment, but I’m impressed that the guy wore a shirt and tie to the press conference. Who does that any more? Usually it’s some sweatshirt with torn jeans and a ball cap……oh wait, that’s Dan.

Anyways, sounds like a very respectful kid. I know that doesn’t win you any ball games, but it’s the polar opposite of JAMO. I don’t foresee Jack being suspended for 6 games for illegal betting and then hittin the Vegas strip,

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Suck it up cupcake.

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Am I the only one who flashed back to “Run Forest, run” :innocent:
Better yet, “Water Boy”