I can't say I'm thrilled about this, but I went to bat for everyone here regardless

We have to be honest though, the day will come when someone will show up here and be a total assface. But today is not that day! …yet


I’m here because I love the Lions. I love to talk about the Lions. And a lot of the names that I don’t see anymore that were super nice to me when I first started coming to any of these boards are over here.


Give it time.:smile:


Sorry to disappoint Brother. I wish I had more time for things like that…

Thanks Nate, really glad you came up with this!


I’m old school. I can’t recall when I started lurking around you guys… but it’s been close to 20 years through all the sites and names. Thanks Nate.

THE Den. Hell’s yeah.
Good to see my countryman made the move. CanadaLion. Winnipeg.


Nice to have you along for the ride again, @Scottysss!

Hey Nate.

I reached out to your private email. Can you please check that and get back to me? Thanks…

I tried to PM you here, but … I don’t think I can yet … or something like that.

My stupid brain, the CoD guy is Motonut, not Mojonut.


This thread sounds like an AA meeting.

High im Air and I’ve been an attic since Al Gore invented the internet. I love long walks on the freezing cold Michigan beach, beer, football and the Detroit Lions … unfortunately I’ve never been able to fall of the wagon.


Just post and be civil and the guys will respect your opinions. Person I respect everyone opinion even when I disagree. The best way to learn the game is to talk with die hard fans.

Oh … What’s this Soccer you keep speaking about? … lol

Just let us know in advance where to send the flowers and the pull tabs off our beer cans. We want to do our part to help pay for the expenses. Pull tabs can go a long way. Especially with as much as Lions fans drink… Oh also is your wife hot and a football fan? … never mind the hot part… Does she like football and know how to get a beer out of the fridge?

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I joined the den in 07, haven’t posted over there in a few years but read posts daily. I hope this place stays sane and avoids personal attacks. Cheers to friendly banter and intelligent discussions.


I joined the den I think in 2005-06 I really enjoy the topics and comradery. I never post much but I do enjoy reading.


I have no idea when I joined as TimT, but deleted the account after a period of time. TheLionsFanatics had stricter moderating, which I preferred, but that eventually disappeared. NetRat has stricter moderating but not enough participants.

I want to say there was a poster named Strongbad that I really enjoyed reading at TLF (could be mixing that name up. Actually, there were a few really cool dudes there.). At NetRat there was a poster named SanDiegoLion that I didn’t always agree with but was a professional statistician and subscriber to the FootballOutsider’s Almanac. I always valued his perspective and would seriously check myself when on the opposite side of an issue.

Anyhow, didn’t really mean to go down memory lane, but if y’all remember these cats and know where they’re at, make sure you extend an invite.

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Hey Line. How is Nets these days? I haven’t been there since the political chatter runup to 2016

Can’t say for sure. I see him on Twitter every now and again but I haven’t been on the board there in years.

Can I be the first???



I hear ya, brah.