I just found out

That Christain McCaffrey is Ed McCaffrey’s son!
Forgot about that guy! What a receiver.

Ed’s got three rings. Can’t believe the Panthers traded away Christian.

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His younger brother Luke is a WR prospect in this draft class as well.

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Are either of 'em bald?


White Lightning! The dude wore next to no padding. One of my favorites back in the day.

Christian’s grandpa on his mom’s side was an Olympic 100-meter medalist, too. He has been bred for speed!

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Wait until you find out who Sewell’s dad is…

hulk smash GIF


It’s pretty deep and wide there in the McCaffrey family, athlete genetics wise…its like 10 people deep, SEC Conference POY shared w Jamaal Mashburn on one guy, etc

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He was a tough SOB. Broke both bones in his leg against the Giants on a Monday night season opener - which happened to be the night before 9-11. He talked about feeling utterly helpless laying in his hospital bed.

His other Brother was a highly touted QB prospect that signed with Michigan a few years ago. For whatever reason, he didn’t work out.

I wonder what happened to him?

200w (5)

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No one tell him about St. Brown

He went to play for his Dad at Northern Colorado




Don’t remind me. I think that was the only year I played fantasy football. I missed the draft and got a terrible roster. Mccaffrey was my only good player. I lost half my team in the first two weeks. Lol

Still managed to win the league because I lucked out and picked up Shaun Alexander off waivers. Waters got hurt and Alexander went off for like 1k and 10 touchdowns in 8 games or something like that.

Fantasy is so random

It’s all injury and breakout luck

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He was not a good qb lol

Not necessarily. I listen to a great podcast year around and it really helps.

Couldn’t throw the ball but he was electric when he scrambled

He could throw it from 0-10 yards lol. He was good running though.

Sure. Tend to discuss things in absolutes because Message Board

Knowing how to draft and who to draft will get you into the top halves of most leagues. Most of the rest is injury and breakout luck. De’Von Achane was a FF freak for a few games then was hurt or below average most of the rest of the year. Sort of the poster boy for both.

I agree that luck has a part. I’d say its half and half

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