I think lions have deal with goff

I think goff signs extension right after draft and lions using qb as smoke screen


Yeah I think no haha. For real though that would not make much sense imo.

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Stafford is better.


Agree, next offseason at the earliest imo, depending on how he performs in 2024.

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Stafford is better than Goff

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Why on earth would they extend him now??? Bad move


Wish we had Stafford.

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Why extend him when we can sign Stafford when he becomes a free agent?


Skimming this thread makes me feel like I must have missed something over the past day or two


I do feel like Brad told us not to expect an early QB this year but who the hell knows?

I also get frustrated when I see posters talk about Stafford because half this board hated him while he was here and some of us were trying to convince the other half he was a good QB. I’m glad he won a SB.

One day I’ll go back and pull old threads to see how many of you are waffling!!!

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Only way I think they extend Goff prior to the season is if they get a team friendly deal too good to pass on. Goff does seem to love his situation and the coaches and who knows maybe he thinks having a coach he can trust is worth something more than money.

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I think the Lions have an understanding with Goff that a QB is likely at some point in the draft. I also think Goff has been told his job is not at risk. I don’t think the Lions are going QB in R1 at all. If for some reason they do go QB high, Goff probably isn’t getting extended. Doesn’t make sense to do both.


I was on a different board but for me I loved Stafford in Detroit. I don’t think he was GOAT level or anything crazy but he was a damn good QB. Greatest the Lions have ever had. When the Lions moved him, it was in the best interest for both Lions and Stafford. But once Stafford wasn’t a Lions he became just another guy to me. I am happy for any players or even people who find successes and hit their goals but I root for the uniform more than the guy. When Rams played the Bengals I just enjoyed the game, didn’t care one way or the other for Stafford or Burrows. Would have been happy for either one.

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That makes literally no sense for anyone involved. If Goff wants the most money then he wants to see what Burrow and Herbert get next year. If he wants a TF deal the Lions first need to see how he does this coming year. He is under contract for 2 more years. There is 0 incentive to strike a deal at this point for either side. He flames out next year fans are going to be like “WTF did we extend him early?” if he signs now and Burrow and Herbert get 55 plus and he has another good season then he is gonna be like “WTF did I sign such a discount?” Let is play out.


If we don’t draft a QB early, we might as well get a deal done with Goff now. There’s no reason not to.


No reason to even talk extension this year. He’s under contract though 2024.

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The Godfather doth protest too much, methinks.


If lions extended him now for say 2 extra years at 50 mil that would be something like 160mil 4 yrs just thinking thats would be fair deal average 40 mil

Goff said there has been no conversation. I believe him 100%.

Still think the best route would be for the lions to give him some guarantee but at an affordable base of ~$37mm a year. They may wait until next off season as there is little risk to doing so.


You haven’t missed anything. Stafford is just better.