I was hacked

Your email went into my spam.


What email?

I was hacked or you were?

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I was as well…some negative asshole hacked me and was using my account to post in the game chat!


I wasn’t hacked but my drunk twin brother post on here sometimes.


I was just being myself and i shouldn’t celebrate

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Yes you should. I am.


■■■■ that, celebrate all day long…

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Wake Up Drugs GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

I avoid coming to the board when we are losing. It seems to help with the hacking problem.

This reminds me of a story that happened earlier this year. I was in traffic court taking care of a speeding ticket (it was in a jurisdiction that forces you to attend in person, no exceptions). People kept talking so finally the judge had enough and told everyone in the room that the next person to make a sound would pay a hefty fine and spend a night in jail. She put court security on notice to be ready to handcuff someone. There was this one female who COULD NOT SHUT THE F UP. She was the main offender that led to the judge getting pissed off. Less than a minute after we were all put on notce, this chick started talking again. The judge stopped what she was doing and said “who was that?” and gave the direction to arrest that person. That’s when the chick…realizing she was about to be arrested…jumped on the floor, spread out and said “I have epilepsy, I have epilepsy. Check my file, its there. Help me please!” So instead of getting arrested she received “medical attention” and was escorted out of the courtroom in a wheelchair. :joy:


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