I was surprised at how little they used gibbs tonight

yeah he saw significant time as a rookie but when the line looked a little flat at times tonight, giving gibbs more opps to run off tackle with that speed might have given the lions a bit of lift they could have used.

at one point, he seemed to be pointing to his chest at the end of the game as if to say “put me in” but perhaps he was just confirming whether he was supposed to go in.

i still think this guy is going to be a monster. maybe the lions didn’t want to show all their cards in that first game but i would find that hard to believe if it meant winning.


They might want him to be hungry.

I saw the same thing. That O playcalling was not Ben’s best effort.


I agree but also he’s a rookie. You have the veteran who isn’t scared of Arrowhead and that’s why you use him a ton. Gibby will get there.


Coach Campbell said before the game they were going to ease him in. It’s a long season. He’ll be cooking as he gets his feet wet. It’s clear he’s a difference maker


Rookies debut. On the road. In KC.
They used him well.

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I was disappointed a bit in Ben’s effort as well. But as far as Jahmyr goes Dan has been very clear that the biggest concern with Gibbs is that they might break him. I think they’re going to be more measured with his usage early in the year.

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I think we’ll see more if Gibbs but he will not be overused.
Montgomery will get the bulk of the carries all year

By design
Get used to it

And I think it’s the right way to go






Gibby played well-when he did tonight *

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If Amon gets hurt this offense is going to grind to a halt


Dan said after the game Gibbs will get more carries moving forward.

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Gibbs is a rookie and tonight was Johnson setting up the basics of our offense. Get ready for changes and developed calls for him, laporta, etc. we saw the most basic aspect of our offense tonight and we still beat the SB champs with it.


Laporta looked amazing even if he’s never the receiver Hock was.


It’ll get rough real fast. Defenses always catch up to what offenses are doing. Teams will be better prepared for Bens offense this year as well.

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Happy Jim Carrey GIF

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He proved he is legit. They will definitely work him in more for sure. Maybe just wanted him to get acclamated, a big step up from those duo practice games and preseason.

I think we were trying to use Monty and the ol to take the crowd out of it some. Stabilize the energy and calm our guys down some….as well as protect Goff.

Meat and potatoes game.

Hot sauce comes next week.


Next week will be a track meet so I think we see a lot more of the offensive playbook.