I wonder if it were possible for Stafford to do a Ryan Tannehill reincarnation

That would be great! I admit I am surprised the way he’s playing.

Look at Vrabel. Wow, we interviewed him. How ecstatic we would be if we would have him as our coach instead of Patricia. We would have two 9-7 seasons with 2-1 playoff record and be 4-0 right now beating a tough 4-0 Bills team.

Instead we are 6-10, 3-12-1 and 1-3. So sad how we miss these opportunities.


No, he’s had multiple coaches try and change him as a player. He was good when he got here, he’s still good but he’ll never be great.

He is a top HC. He is going to be a HC in this league for a longgggg time.

Tennessee’s defense was in great shape. They had Dick LeBeau before Vrabel’s arrival. Vrabel hired Dean Pees, another defensive guru from Baltimore.

Wish we could have capitalized on that.

Vrabel was a DC before he got the job and they ran a version of the Pats defense.

Instead of trying to copy that he hired Pees and runs a different system.

That’s a real coach.


That’s what a good defense and great run game do for a QB.

Matt Stafford has never had that.

The titans have a top 10 defense and run game. They were 9th at both before last nights game.

They improved in both categories last night so their rankings will go up from there.

Lol. Tannehill gets credit for the way Tannehill is playing. The defense isn’t carrying him. The running game isn’t carrying him. Henry and the defense have not been great this year for the Titans.

lol … both their run game and defense are ranked top 10!

Henry is averaging 3.7 yards per carry. He has not been efficient. Just because they give him the ball more than any other team, doesn’t mean it’s been effective.

The QB iS pLaYiNg GoOd BeCaUsE oF tHe DeFeNsE aNd RuNnInG gAmE narrative is lazy, tired and old. Sometimes the QB is playing well and deserves credit… which has absolutely nothing to do with the defense and running game. Which is the case here.

Iggy please listen here for a minute.

A teams run game efficiency and effectiveness is NOT based off the number of yards per carry a single running back has.

Before last nights game - (Rankings have not been updated yet) Here are their stats. These stats are going to go up once updated too.

Ten was 2nd in run attempts per game.
Ten was 9th in rushing yards per game.
Ten was 6th in rushing 1st downs per game
Ten was 10th in rushing TD’s per game.

That’s an efficient and effective top 10 run game all day everyday. Let’s stop the non sense please.

Teams that can effectively run the ball and play good defense will win far more games than they lose. Regardless of who is at QB. An effective run game and a defense that can keep the game close will take a ton of pressure off the QB. Common sense stuff here.


Pees was in New England with Vrabel for six years. That likely had a lot more to do with why he hired him.

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You’re making my point for me thanks! Tennessee is 2nd in rushing attempts, yet rank far below #2 in all other rushing metrics.

By your logic Cinci and the Jags must have EXTREMELY efficient pass offenses because they rank top 5 in passing first downs, etc. That’s not how this works, bud.

I guess a running game and defense is supposed to minimize Matt’s deficiencies. Tanny is making perfect throws and reading defenses well. Matt Stafford is doing the opposite.

Besides Matt has a running game in AP, Swift and KerryOn. They also have a solid offensive line

Bevell begs to differ

A “good” running game and defense help the QB’s all over the league succeed, much better ability to win football games . A football team is made of pieces and parts they all have to work together ‘well enough’ to win more games…

The Detroit Lion Defense is sad much like the head coach & GM…that also hinders Stafford and any of our players.

AP 54 att 245 yds 1 TD 4.5 ypc

KJ 21 att 71 yds 1 TD 3.4 ypc

Swift 12 att 42 yds 1 TD 3.5 ypc

not much of a running game -either. 358 yards between them.

Teams game plan for Henry not Tannehill. Not once in Stafford’s tenure has the opposition gameplan not been centered around Stafford and the passing game. It helps a QB a lot when he’s not the focal point of the defensive strategy.

With that said, Tannehill is taking full advantage of his situation. Good for him

Team game plan has nothing to do with a QB staring down receivers, making errant throws and taking critical sacks when you can throw the ball away. It’s has nothing to do with a defense or running games. Those things can be controlled by the QB

Your right that’s not how it works. I don’t think your comprehending the message either.

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The point I’m trying to make is that they don’t run the exact same schemes or even have the same type of players defensively.