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NFL…Not For Long Baby!

Im feeling more confident that the Lions jokes will finally end before to much longer…

I love this song! I hear it every year - like XMas music! :laughing:

Nah, I’m just a pessimist by nature. I really enjoy and appreciate the optimists in life, especially when it comes to this franchise.

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Im swimming in Honolulu Blue kool aid, bruh…back strokes. Its that time of the year!

Its your brother fault…i was on the ledge at the beginning of last season, but your brother (and a couple of others) kept making too much sense about the new system, and the scheme, and the coaching change, and the new players to fit the new scheme, etc., etc.

I guess i wasn’t really ready to jump off that ledge after all…

Its a sickness…

A cruel cruel sickness…



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I love how this keeps going, @Pdono … LOL.

I definitely understand lol. sigh

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You…really? You don’t say.

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I know. Hey, Mom told me that you have not called her back lately. Get on the stick.