If Goff went to IR who’s available?

5 quarters and barely 100 yards passing tells me Goff is not right. This is well beyond the standard of suck that we’ve expected from him. If his back or whatever it is is so bad that this is the kind of performance we can expect……put the guy on IR and open up a roster spot for someone else.

If the Lions were to do that, who’s available?

Kellen Moore

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Gary Danielson!

Not Cam!!!

Or Justin Fields!!!

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Andre Ware has been waiting for this moment for 3 decades…


LOL - Yup!


it will be the bum we got from GB and Blough

Put me in coach


Wish we would have traded a 6th for Minshew instead of Philly.


I’ve been told that since the Lions are more than one position away from winning, we should not spend our money.

So maybe we spend our money on more worthwhile endeavors, like Safety T Men to fill our stands and give the appearance anyone gives a shit.

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Uncle Rico.

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Anyone know how to get ahold of that Gillooly guy?

Who would you start? Blough or Boyle? Bit of a toss up to me

Cam came into the game…and ran for a touchdown. The next play he was in the game…he threw for a touchdown. He was in for 2 plays, and had 2 TDs. I was on my couch like:

erection GIF

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g drink enough GIF

Earlier this year my wife started singing the Willie Beamon song. She stopped after the chorus, so I kept going. She looks at me weird and then swears I am makinig up lyrics. Then I google’d it for her. She then realized for the first time what the Willie Beamon song was actually saying. :joy:

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We’ve still got that guy we signed from the Packers who played like ass in the preseason. I’d start Blough and use the other guy as his backup. All you’re doing at that point is evaluating if Blough can hold down the #2 QB slot behind whoever we draft to replace Goff.

I’m going to keep saying Paxton Lynch. Big guy, fairly mobile, developmental guy they expected too much from early on. Hire Jim Caldwell to work with him.

Plenty of Arm Strength
BTCLOD.COM Film Study_ Why did Paxton Lynch become a bust_-1080p60 (1) (1)

Who’s available?