If Lions win Sunday, back up the Brinks truck to Goff's driveway

Make him one of the highest, if not the highest, paid QB. I’d be OK with highest.

Give him the keys to the city.

Give him all the things.


Open Sesame Money GIF by Beeld & Geluid

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what if we win but Goff is 15/37 185 yards 1TD and 2 Picks

Or we lose but Goff is 30/38 370 yards 4TDs 0Picks


I mean I think he deserves to get paid regardless.

He could throw for 300 yards and 3 TD’s and that still doesn’t guarantee victory.

Or he could play mediocre and we still win.

With that said… please ■■■■■■■ win.


Even Erik Kramer won one playoff game.

Let’s see if Goff can win two before we start talking about backing up the truck.


Guys. Even Trent Dilfer won a Super bowl. Let’s see if Goff is the guy to give us a multi title dynasty before backing up the Brinks truck


It seems to me like there is already an agreement in place per Goff’s agent (he may be lying or been lied to).

There are probably incentives for how the season finishes out.

Reach the playoffs, 40/year mil. Reach the 2nd round, 43/year mil. Reach the NFC championship 46 mil. Reach the super bowl 50/year mil. Win the super bowl 60/year mil.


In 13 years, Trent Dilfer never completed more than 60 percent of his passes. He also had more seasons where he threw for more interceptions than touchdown passes than the inverse.

Trent Dilfer was trash.

Please don’t compare the two. I beg of you.


lol. you know I was just being a cheeky bastard. As per usual

I dont know… Dilfer had balls of steel. He carried those Bucs teams. :joy:

I won’t engage in this topic until after the season. I am ok with whatever they decide even though I hope they wait. Adding the extra 5m per year waiting vs doing it now is high risk minimal reward. I would rather have Goff at 55m per season after a SB win next year vs a Goff at 50m per season following this year and a playoff win.

But right now I really DGAF…let’s just win!


Hurry up Sunday night…if I read one more Stafford/Goff thread my head may explode

chris farley cinema supremo GIF


GIF by Giphy QA


A win or loss in Sunday’s game will make very little difference in the overall picture and ultimate decision of Goff’s future with the Lions. I think the Baltimore game would have more impact on that than Sunday’s game, though any one game is just a small piece to the contract puzzle. So I say…


ay yo—rumor is that Statpadford want’s to embrace the part of the Villian which iz stoopid -WHY in thee F would you do that Matt?? You still have your group of loyal to you fans man --but don’t get it Twisted Padford , if you come back waltzing in The 313 acting like some kind of Villian trying to destroy what we just built?? then the fans you still have lingering here will straight up dump your Ghostly ass dog !! So roll up in here but come correct—say a few words about how you will always love Detroit…always have love for the Lions , and that you are amazed at how far the new staff has brought this team , The New Era Lions and how your going to try to win–try to enjoy this game , and hope that there are no injuries on either side…AND THAT–will go a hell of a lot further than playing some Half-ass Villian —YOU heard it here dog !

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uh, ok.

Matthew Stafford loves Detroit, but embraces being ‘the bad guy’ …

Well if Stafford wears the villain mask we would all still know it’s him because of the blinding white glare emanating from the mouth-hole

4. The Wizard of Oz – This Builds Character

What if they somehow win ugly, and he has 2 picks, a fumble, only 153 yds, and no TD’s?