In Holmes we must trust…

Starting to make sense. These guys would have been gone if we waited.


Sounds like Brad planted that story to take some of the heat off.

</ sarcasm >

Haha, I was thinking the same thing!

Charlie Campbell is a Lions media plant. Wonder how much they’re paying him!

Charlie Campbell must be related to Jack Campbell…
so now he is on the bandwagon…. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: /sarcasm…

Like many Lions fans I’m analyzing the first round right now.

How would people feel if the Lions drafted Bijan Robinson and Nolan Smith instead? They were the only other RB and LB drafted last night and the Lion’s could have drafted both.

I think most people/pundits would be raving about adding those guys. Apparently, Brad liked Gibbs, Campbell and the added 2nd round pick.

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I mean the Falcons just drafted this guy in the 2nd round last year. Are they really already giving up on him?

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