Is Calvin a 1st Ballot HOFer?

I think I already know what most on this message board will say. I’m going to argue that Calvin is NOT a 1st ballot HOF’er though.

I think if we look at Calvin’s overall numbers he’s not even in the discussion. If we look at his averages, he’s worth consideration.

I look at Julio Jones though, for example. When it’s all said and done, Julio’s numbers will dwarf Calvin’s. He had averages that were up there with Calvin’s and he also will have the longevity to boost the totals. In this new style league where QB’s regularly throw for 400+ yards a game should Calvin be considered a 1st ballot guy, or just a guy that came before the rest of the WR’s that are likely to blow his numbers away in the coming decade?

I know we need to look outside of the numbers as well. Calvin was truly dominant - no doubt about it. He made some special plays that Lions fans will always remember. There’s always that looming argument that he never won anything though. Extremely dominant players usually win…at least something?

This is why stats and numbers don’t tell the story sometimes IMO.

He’s a first ballot HOFer and one of the best to ever put on a uniform at WR.

I get this discussion in basketball. People try to say Chris Paul is better than Isiah Thomas and I’m like GTFO.


Much as I love Calvin…I’m gonna say no.

He din’t have a really short career, he only holds 1 really interesting record (single season rec yards) and he doesn’t have any big game success to speak of.

Sorry CJ, not a 1st rounder for me. My mind could certainly be changed though…


100% no doubt about it. The WR position was what it was . Calvin literally changed the way Defenses played the game . If you are building a team from scratch every WR ever in the History of the NFL Calvin is a top 3 selection when you are building your WR Group . You can’t dismiss that .


This is the reason he will be in.


Done deal 1st ballot HOF.


If he played longer,yes. But I can’t see it happening

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I have a hard time seeing him not getting in on the first ballot… Who else becomes eligible that year?

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Concerned that if he did get in on the 1st ballot, he might roll an ankle on his way up the podium and miss the induction ceremony.


Calvin is my favorite football player ever and no I don’t think he’ deserves 1st ballot.

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Does he bash the Lions when he’s making his speech? :thinking:

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He’s a top five player at his position all time. Most receiving yards in a single season and he did it while playing for the Detroit Lions. IMO those kinda guys get in first ballot.


They list the 1st year and additional nominees here. Lots of great players eligible.

Better than Calvin? I dunno man…I go back and forth a bit when I think of the greatness and then look at the numbers compared to some of these other guys. I don’t think it’s the slam dunk most Lions fans think it is or should be.

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You prefer Calvin to Barry? Really?

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Calvin just didn’t have a long enough peak to be a 1st ballot HOFer but his peak was 1st ballot worthy. He also revolutionised the position with his size, speed and power combo so that might be taken into consideration because of how unique his skillset was.

Personally, I think he should get in on the 1st ballot but I don’t think he will.

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If he would have played a full career easily


It’s an age thing

Saw every game Calvin played and I was in grade school in Texas most of Barry’s career.

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CJ is my 2nd favorite WR of all time (behind Larry Fitzgerald)

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I think he is but he might not be due to his leaving the game still in his prime. But who knows…


Peyton and Jared Allen are the only 2 new names I’d out in over Calvin personally

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