Is Jamie Collins a game changer?

I have to admit I’m a little excited to see if there’s serious improvement in our LBer Corp and our run game. These two areas my expectations are high. I really think we will show drastic improvement in each.

Jamie Collins and Reggie Ragland are two reasons that I think our LBer group will be drastically improved. I am also expecting more from Davis and Tavai as well. I believe Collins will really open up what we can do at with our LBers.

Here’s an article about Collins being a game changer. You have to love his attitude. It’s a good read and I’m hoping we can get back to talking football.


I paid $4.99 for a month on Origin to play some Madden 20 back in March when the home time started.

…and let me tell you Air…Jamie Collins was the MVP of the Lions Defense. This guy was all over the place covering backs and TE’s and blitzing and stuffing the run and causing pressure. He wouldn’t come of the field. Simply put, he was like a poor-mans version of Brian Urlacher. Will it translate to the real world? I sure hope so!

I think he will be the Lions best Linebacker since pre-neck injury Stephen Boyd.

I’d take pre-injury Levy over him. :muscle:t6:

I’d settle for pre-injury Tulloch


I think he will be. Not only physically but as an on field teacher. I liken his signing to Kyle Vanden Bosch under Schwartz. He knows the system cold and not just his position but all the LB spots. Then, like KVB is the work ethic, culture fit and to show the young guys how to work and what it takes to get one of those rings.

Total tackles: 577
Sacks: 24.5
Forced fumbles: 16
Pass deflections: 30
Interceptions: 10
Defensive touchdowns: 1
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Rather have a pre-injury Reggie Brown.

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I loved Brown as a player. Wish we had a player like that.

Don’t know about a game changer, but his coverage ability is something we haven’t had in a long time and should help this group alot. A much needed piece to getting better.