Is there any fa corners

The lions could bring in this week or somebody off a teams practice squade

I think Brad and Dan have made it very clear through their actions that this is the team that got them here and this is the team that will either succeed or fail moving forward.

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Steven Gilmore can’t be worse than any of the CBs we’ve sent out. Kinda crazy to me he’s seen ZERO run considering how bad the outside CBs are.


I think they’re far more likely to activate Steven Gilmore than snag any FA or PS CB. Maybe a lockdown CB like Surtain or Sauce would work, but otherwise you have to at least know the names of your teammates, right?

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Not if they’re good. You go out and give us above average cornerback play and idgaf if you never learn anyone’s name. :joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It’s helps to know what your teammates are doing and anyone picked up today would be pretty much clueless next Sunday. I did see your emojis…

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So little dropoff from Sutton or Vildor then :joy:


I think Vildor has been outplaying Sutton lately, including last night. Imma gonna peak at PFF to see if they agree.

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You might be right. But it’s the difference of someone shitting in my mouth or pissing in my mouth.

I don’t want either.


All very true. It’s all moot anyway. There’s nobody available at this time of year that’s better than who we have. Sad as that is. Besides, we only have 3 more games left in our season.

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I think Sutton is warrioring through a pretty nasty ankle injury tbf


PFF says I’m wrong. But to your point, I do have a preference if I HAD to choose… :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

I do agree on this point, he had his struggles pre ankle but I don’t he is fully over it. Then, add in Duce still coming back from a long layoff…

Nothing like what he’s had the past few games though.

Something is definitely wrong. He was solid for most of the season. Then suddenly his play dropped off a cliff.

I’m 58 years old with a torn meniscus but I’d Listen to offers.


He’s been carried on the roster all year long and has only been active for 3 games and got 2 snaps on defense and 12 on special teams.

They must like his potential if they don’t want to risk cutting him and not getting him back on the practice squad.

Question is, can he really be any worse than Vildor or Jacobs?

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I feel like our corners are solid and great in zone. And they seem to be willing to bring the wood. But man when put on an island they have been like burnt ends…LOL.

I can not even imagine the other teams discussing what to do if they ever see their WR in a Man coverage on the outside with single deep safety. I mean look off and then let it fly :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

AG runs a Cover 4 coverage system. That’s why you see guys bailing or playing 8-10yds off at the snap. It’s often disguised as man often. Deep square-ins are usually open often. We play a bend, but don’t break defense. Guys are just gonna have to accept it.

This coverage doesn’t need sticky coverage guys as much as it needs ball hawking CBs. If you get both, you’re winning. We need CBs who play the ball well. When we pressure, we go man. And that’s when you need guys to be sticky. But AG doesn’t want to create pressure through blitzes. Patricia ran a man coverage defense that is susceptible to crossing and rub routes. And since we couldn’t pressure, we were killed. Guys will march up and down the field on us. But, the goal is not to give up TDs. And we really only give up big plays. And that’s because Sutton, Jacobs and Vildor all suck at playing the ball. Slay, Bly, etc. would’ve loved to play in this defense. I think Christian Gonzales would’ve looked great in this defense. Will Johnson (UM) would be amazing in this defense. Branch is that type of player. And he thrives in it. He plays the ball better than everyone.

We need to draft and sign playmaking CBs. Guys that were just like AG when he played.

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Speaking of FA corners, are there any corners this offseason we can use our $60M in cap on?