Isiah Simmons is he one of the best defensive players we could draft?

Just get Van Noy in FA… hey you can CLICK on The BLUE letters and read…on.

Way different players and positions. KVN would replace Kennard at the JACK position. Although it would not be a bad move to do that, man would it sting. We had the guy, drafted as a bad fit in TA’s scheme, only to keep TA trade KVN to peanuts, who then flourished under who is now our HC… man. Don’t think Quinn would want that much egg in his face to have to turn around and pay that guy big FA money when you could have had him the whole time on a 2nd round contract.

Yep, different players and positions but still upgrading the group. It was tongue in cheek but still, just a reminder that our GM screwed the pooch big time and what could have been.

Simmons is an intriguing player as there is a big need for a versatile LB that can cover, rush, spy on the better running QB’s today and tackle. I would suggest he is a huge upgrade over what the Lions have at the LB position today so he might be the biggest upgrade.

Okudah being potentially a #1 CB is also special.
Brown/Kinlaw being potentially a guy who brings inside pressure at DT is also special.
Jeudy being potentially a great route running WR would open up the offense incredibly as well!

Simmons fan here, he’s a human highlight reel with incredible size for a safety (6’4" 230lbs!) can’t wait to see what kind of numbers he puts up at the combine…

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Most likely a LB …it’s evolution more and more Lamar Jackson type QB’s will be coming …The need for Simmons type tweeners that can be multiple …it’s a dilemma . The Oline is not getting smaller with 5 big ugly guys and the 3-4 setup that can be eaten alive if the LB’s are to small and cant off blocks , two big and they cant keep pace with Jackson’s & Murray’s …players like Simmons will become a premium at some point with every Defense needing one …

You know, after seeing the Lions lining Christian Jones up against a TE lined up as a Z receiver, I can’t help but think that Simmons’ value as a Tweener linebacker at the next level would have more to do with stud TE’s than it does mobile QB’s. It’s the edge-setters in Kennard and Flowers that contain those types of QB’s. It’s the TE running crossers that defeat our guys week in and week out that we seemingly have no answer for.

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Then how about:

TD w Miami for their 1a, 2 and 3.

1a. Okudah CB
TU 2a and 3b for pick in the late teens
1b. Kinlaw DL
2b. Swift RB
3a. Brooks LB

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The contain aspect is great when the play is a designed pass that is defended well and allows the LB’s to make plays …it’s when the play looks like a designed pass but it is a run and the Simmons player you have that you split wide to follow a TE on a crosser that clears out the right side …
now flowers with a tackle on him and an athlete like Jackson, Murray, Wilson with that tackle delaying or occupying the DE …you have plays like Mahomes did in the Superbowl breaking contain and picking up 3rd and 16 with his feet or like us in man coverage, instead of zone, following crosser’s and having the likes of Kirk Cousins picking up 3rd and 10 + with his feet …it’s demoralizing and frustrating as evident of Slays comments on the Defense and scheme…Simmons type player that plays the run or rushes the QB or Spy’s and the scheme allows him to do so…making him a WILL or S in the pure sense is a waste.

That’s Christian Jones at the top of the formation covering a TE. This is a mismatch for most teams in the NFL, not just Detroit. You could throw Barkley, Elliot or a few others that the LB will ultimately have to cover and conclude the same thing… “mismatch”.

The value I see with Simmons is that those matchups would no longer be a mismatch. Can he help with the pocket and containment? Sure. But IMO the greater value is taking away 1 of the offense’s options on every snap, no matter where they send the TE or RB. Not a lot of teams can effectively do that.


I LOVE that we sit here with one of thee shittiest defenses in the entire league, but nitpick, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th -guess WHO deserves to be on OUR defense, when we should just be plugging in sound defensive players to BEGIN to establish a STRONG defense. we sit here ‘acting’ LIKE we just have to “refine” a quality defense. NO, we have to rebuild it IF we are so damn pathetic that WE rank in the 30’s with it…AKA it is a bottom-feeding defense STARVING for very able playmakers ! It is not: “oh we’ll just replace a guy here and this guy there and be fine.” that is not even close to an option for us. we CAN refine our Offense but the defense is an emergency situation when you go from being top 10 , to falling into the Grand Canyon and kissing the floor the very next season.

So I laugh at posters who sit around saying “this GUY !?” “Ehhhhhh not so much!” laughable to think that we have the luxury to think this way IMO.
we need foundation pieces/ Building Block -types we can build off of and get better and better-yet… I think Isaiah Simmons could be a building block-type here, but that’s my two cents.


may not get a shot at a #3 ever again. But who knows. We are the Detroit Lions! So its anyones guess at this point.

Hmm. Pretty confident. Somehow I don’t think this is the last time the Lions will draft in the top 3. I’ve been watching them for around 50 years and it’s gonna happen. Hopefully not in my lifetime. But I do like your confidence. Try not to loose it.

This thread has updated my position. If no trade is made and Young is gone, Simmons moves up to a tie with Brown for #3.

I agree… but my point is if he is used strictly in this manner he is a waste or even a liability against a power run game, valuable in this scenario you pictured yes … His value would be more from the 3rd safety spot/DB in nickel, in order to do so, you are taking other talent recently drafted high off the field in order to get him on …as high as he is going to be drafted the fit here with us would not warrant the selection . Paired with Davis and Tavai at LB leaves us rather light in the pants .

I’d rather draft a DE or a CB with the #3 pick. After QB and LT, those are the most important positions on the team. A hybrid LB/Safety is way down the list. Okudah has been compared to Gilmore and is one of the best CB prospects in years.

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Okudah is my favorite player in this draft with Dobbins and Delpit


Okudah is also mine. I was commenting on Simmons from a scheme value perspective. Teams are working hard to generate mismatches with their TEs. WE are working hard to create mismatches with the TE position with the #8 spent on it last year. Knowing that focus and seeing our current LB group exposed, I can see a potential attraction by the team.

Simmons has played 3 tech to safety to slot CB. Take pff for what it is but he is the only college player to grade at excellent to elite at 4. . That’s FOUR… different positions. He doesn’t do a little of everything ok and 1 thing great… he does EVERYTHING GREAT.
I want Young first but if gone simmons is our game changer I want.
Think Darius Leanard indy LB only maybe even more versatile… THAT’S what we’d get imo

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