It took the Lions three games to regret trading for Carlton Davis III Source: FanSided

It took the Lions three games to regret trading for Carlton Davis III
Source: FanSided

Wow this guy seems way off. It’s like he hasn’t watched the games and he is looking at one stat.

Baker had 200 yrds total offense.

And Kyler couldn’t get out of his own way.
Plus teams can’t run on us so they pass more. This guy is missing alot.


Sounds like a but hurt Bucs fan trying to skew the stats to make himself feel better about his team trading away a top corner.


He should actually watch the games before writing an article.


Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

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Lying Season 4 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

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Wait did Davis make the tackle on the 4th and 1 on Murray? Besides that he has been above average with room to get better. Plus his leadership with Arnold is great


Lions games have been strange so its hard to evaluate the CBs.

Stafford and Baker are good QBs trying to win games, throwing solid passes.

Our Offense completely shit the bed, giving them chance after chance to win the game for their team. That is way too difficult for a CB to completely shut down good QBs.

Let’s watch a couple games against run of the mill QBs like Geno. Then we will know more.

I feel like we would be screwed without CD3 - third round picks are nice but if we want to win now we need a CB1 and he’s been fair enough at it

Would do the trade again


Geno has lit us up like a Christmas tree too many times for me to shit on him.


It was a dumb trade. Davis is trash but Holmes had no choice because of the Sutton situation. I rather see Vildor over davis. That’s not saying much but davis straight trash.
On one play he was beat and it looked like he fake an injury. DO NOT EXTEND HIM


Davis has been solid. Shouldnt expect him to play like sauce gardner. There are so many worse corners out there.

Don’t nibble on the clickbait.


I wish I could say this guy should have his journalist’s license revoked for that headline, but we all know there’s no such thing as credible journalism anymore. Hell, they’re probably teaching this sort of attention-grabbing headline writing in journalism school nowadays anyway. Anything for the click.

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Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

To even mention Vildor in the same breath as Davis.


Sports journalism is dead my friends. It has been replaced by clickbait articles written by pimple faced 20 year olds who don’t bother to research anything before writing an article based on the predetermined theme given to them by their editor or something like that.


Is it just me, or has Davis not been nearly as bad as his stat lines might indicate?


Maybe I have low expectations from our DB’s last year, but I think Davis has been an upgrade.

The writer is homer Bucs fan, trying to feel better about losing Davis. While he hasnt been great, its way to early to make those claims about Davis.

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Davis has played well.


Sure doesn’t sound like the same guy AG was talking about in yesterday’s presser.
Frankly, I think someone is full of shit, and, since AG is a professional football coach and past professional player, I tend to think its not him.