Jags signing Walker

its went bonkers down here. You can’t even find a house. My home has went up like 50% in three years, but I’m not selling. Just have to buy another. Rates are going up so prices will probably flatten and go down, but a ton of cash buyers so who knows.


I’m on board with ya… although I’d like to end the Fed all together… Gotta be careful about what I say, don’t wanna get suspended again.


Fla…No state taxes. Yipee…!!


Higher property taxes? They always get you somehow.

Hutch should sign for a discount… his moving expenses will be next to nill… heck he can stay in his parents house… they wont mind

But its not like walkers move is that far. Jax might as well be in Georgia

It’s true, but you get to pick where you live…and that impacts. There are other ways to take advantage of laws too.

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We have no sakes tax in Oregon. Property taxes are high though.

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We do a ton of mixed use, condo’s and residential then add in high end residential, HIGH end six homes right now starting at 35m, and it’s crazy here.

Jacksonville, as is all of Florida, exploding in growth pre Covid and more so post Covid.

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How’s the beer or bourbon tax?

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Word! I really love it here.

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Don’t know. @TNutZz would know.

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Just a joke based on the typo sakes in your post…


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The taxes on beer are fairly low. We have a good guild which pushes back when some hotshot state congress person, backed by neo-prohibitionists, sponsors a bill to skyrocket beer production taxes every several years

The amount of economic churn and jobs the industry creates is significant here.

Not too sure about liquor. I think it’s a little inflated by being a liquor control state. You can only buy spirits from state sanctioned stores and the OLCC acts as defacto distributors. I sometimes trek to Vancouver to buy a nice scotch because it’s cheaper there


FL is right in the middle. Less than Michigan.

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