James Conner: Cardinals cleansed the roster of guys who didn't put team first

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They still have that tiny QB though


Haven’t you heard the one about the chihuahua who defeated the pitbull?

Me neither.

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You don’t tangle with my Lhasa apso and expect to live.



Baxter… Noooooooooooooo

Baxter is that you? Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee :joy::joy:


My Ratdog bitch named Bertha has my back. She takes shit from no one lol.

And three years ago the Lions had a statue who couldn’t play without Sean McVay telling him exactly what to do.

Kyler looked good until the league figured out Kliff Kingsbury’s 5-play offense. Now he has a much better cast around him and a genuinely talented playcaller. With his physical talent I wouldn’t write off his career just yet. 2024 Kyler could be a lot like 2022 Goff.

Kyler can’t hold Jared’z jock strap
my biggest issue with Kyler → Crybaby. Zero leadership. Blames teammates for his own shortcomings (see what I did there?)

Kyler won’t win a Super Bowl without doing some major, major growth az a human being.


and unfortunately, for Kyler kids usually stop growing around 18. I think he’s stuck at 4 foot 3 forever


He had a clause in his contract that mandated he watch 4 hours of film on his own. That is insane lol. He isn’t a good QB.


He’s got talent… but his body language is just terrible. I remember we picked him off a couple years ago for a pick 6, he didn’t even try to make a tackle and then yelled at the WR.

Reminded me of Cam Newton in the super bowl… not trying to get the fumble right in front of him.

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He’s very nimble…


I am not a fan of Kyler and I see all of the things you see. I just want to point something out. There is an NFL “rule” that says if a QB is not actively trying to make a tackle, a defensive player can not go “smash them.” Defenses used to practice turnover drills and a big priority was to seek and destroy the opposing QB. The NFL saw an issue and made a change. As long as a QB makes it obvious they are not trying to be a part of the play, they are not eligible to get “hit.” The most a defensive player can do is “box them out” like basketball. So there is a coaching point league wide that QBs need to remove themselves from the result of the play when its a turnover.

I wanted to point that out for a reason beyond Kyler Murray. It gives an explanation why QBs in general seem to “not give their all” on a turnover. I also want to spotlight the QBs who choose to go against their coaching points and try to make the tackle. They deserve EXTRA credit based on current NFL rules and how they are told to behave in that situation.

Reflect back on the fight between the Bills and the Dolphins. Christian Wilkins is a character and decided to be a dik after Josh Allen threw an interception. Wilkins ran to Josh Allen and did the “box out thing” per NFL rules. He knew it would annoy the F out of someone like Josh Allen who wants to mix it up. Allen loses his cool and pushes Wilkins, leading to some shoves and a scuffle on the field. Wilkins could have destroyed Allen on that play but NFL rules did not allow it. Josh Allen was wrong for how he acted but much of the media coverage favored Allen. Allen wasn’t “brave” on that play. He was a protected player that took a cheap shot at the end of the play, out of frustration.


All good points. Personally I hate it. Nothing more fun than kicking the qb’s ass on a turnover return. 10 out of 10. Highly recommend. :joy: