James Webb telescope

There’s no fighting in the war room.

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Hubble, your days may be numbered but not forgotten…

Light it up…

Coming soon…


For me, this just shows how it simply
Can’t be by accident- some random thing where everything came from nothing…. It’s too great of a thing….

These pictures are simply

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Can’t wait to see the new images. Really interested when it starts looking for methane bio signatures. People are going to lose their shit…if they choose to believe it.


Space cow farts spewing greenhouse gasses?

They are so getting canceled.


How many years before “science” abandons the current, ever-changing theory of the origin of life on Earth? I suspect it will be in my lifetime.

Sadly there will be some who never abandon that theory. When you are convinced that the world is only 5000 years old and that man walked with the dinosaurs then it’s a pretty big leap to even consider additional evidence to the contrary.

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The Book of Was(Not Was) is very clear on that matter


over your head cosplay GIF by Comic-Con HQ

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Well, we do know now, this….

At first everyone called this initial find a lie and threw the scientist’s find in the trash; now they can’t deny it….

DNA from dinosaurs aged in a timeline where they coexist with humans…. Crazy

They co-exist now with humans



More science…

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I’ve been so excited for this telescope to get launched and operational it’s excruciating waiting these last few days for new images. the fact it is getting popped by micrometeoroids somewhat frequently terrifies me.

I would be somewhat curious if it could focus on anything within our solar system or if the mirrors just can’t handle something that ‘close’.

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Thank you for sharing this @Lionpile - The sheer scope of the universe, let alone its galaxies and solar systems has always eluded me. I’m sure I don’t possess even one iota of a true conception. Like the matter-of-fact statement; “100 billion light years.” What does that even mean?! What could we even compare that to in our human experience?!

The video estimates 100 billion galaxies exist. NASA says our Milky Way galaxy contains 3200 solar systems like our own. So if we posit that most of the other galaxies in the universe contain roughly as many solar systems also, that roughly works out to there being 320 trillion solar systems out there like the one we inhabit. Mind boggling…

This clip does a nice job of beginning to help me take tiny baby steps down the path of wrapping my brain around just how inconceivably enormous the cosmos is. And how tiny we are. As one ancient spiritual writer phrased it, “What is man that you are mindful of him, the sons of men that you should care?”

Seems a relevant question if one concludes there must be some intelligent causal agent behind all the beauty, complexity, and structure underlying all. Utterly spellbinding to contemplate these mysteries. Thanks again!

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I’m glad you liked it. It is mine boggling to think about the size and complexity and diversity of a single universe, let alone thinking about multiverse. It really does put an exclamation point on how insignificant we may really be. I am anxiously awaiting the mysteries that the Webb telescope will help to unlock.

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I spent about 5 years in my late 20’s trying to wrap my brain around the cosmos, or cosmi. Read many, many books on the history of the universe. Resulted mostly in headaches and more questions.


And yet to me at least the most cogent theory about life in the universe that we’ve been able to develop is The Great Filter…

Which really really really sucks