Jameson Williams out for the rest of the preseason - INJURED

If anyone needed the reps it’s him.

It is more than a bit worrying that Campbell has said he doesn’t have good hands, and that what he was looking for in the Giants game was just Jamo lining up in the right spot and running crisp routes. I’ve also read that he’s been told to do extra work before and after practice and that he hasn’t really been doing that at all.

I don’t want to call him a bust but it does sound like he’ll never be more than a bit part player, good for a few big player here and there but never a 10 targets a game player, which is what you should be getting from the no 12 pick. Marvin Hall springs to mind.

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  1. Christian Watson

Thats the missed opportunity I see.


With no trained Jamo we need Leaf in really good shape so maybe a chance for Alexander to take the return jobs and earn a spot. Guy can go for it and we don’t have to risk our best vertikal threat.

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Strap him to a tackling dummy and fire the Juggs at him for 8 weeks.

Dude has a huge pile of cash

Go buy a juggs machine, hire a trainer, hire a retired WR coach. Take home the playbook, load up that Ipad with film.

It’s your job, yo. You now have 8 weeks of Independent Study for your NFL WR GED.

Git R Dun Jamo!


That’s not what he said though. He said Jamo may never have elite hands like the very top guys in the league. That is a little bit different than saying he has rocks for fingers.


George Pickens is still my guy

But point taken


Wasn’t it Chark joking about Jamo running fast without even stretching? Makes you wonder lol.

Really hoping he’s able to be a consistent player in 2024.


Kyle Hamilton and Jordan Davis were dominant that last year. My brother in law has me on video when we traded up, he said it’s gotta be for WR I was like yeah but how’s it Kyle Hamilton still there?

Ironically, same thing I said this year #45 when we took Branch.

Another reason to be skeptical of the Brodric Martin trade up.

Holmes being aggressive trading for players (or wanting too re: Levi) hasn’t planned out for him in any of those situations.


Can we please get a new section of the board @nate for the bitchers, moaners, whiners and complainers. I spend less and less time here everyday because of them. People are addicted to being miserable and i want no part of it.


^ the biggest complainer complaining again



Hamilton and Davis had 2 of the worst pre-draft workouts for top prospects… and did little as healthy rookies.

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Huh? Is right

I’ll take Branch over Hamilton all day.
Davis still hasn’t proven he can play more than 20 decent snaps in a game. If he stays in shape… he might be a good player.

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Branch is exactly the same boat Hamilton was in last year.
Elite dominant that last year of college
But fell due to a “poor” workout.

That was the point of the post. I would love to have them both

Hamilton was awesome last year as rookie

I had George Pickens round 2

Me on draft day…wasn’t mad that we traded up because we tripped off Minny

But why not take the guy who was best player on field 2nd half catching bombs on the championship game coming back from an injury round 2

Instead of the guy who was the best player the 1st half and got injured and has the Williams WR name curse? Round 1

But all this goes away game 7 when Jamo torches Kyle Hamilton 2 catches 100 yards 2 TD

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Hamilton is basically a LB at this point. Ill take Branch over him.


Sucks to lose the reps but I think a bit too much is being made of this. It likely decreases the odds of him hitting the ground running but I still expect him to be a factor for us going down the stretch.


agree… and now he doesn’t risk being injured by a 4th string DB trying to fight for a roster spot. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t think he was going to be starter this season anyways. He sure wasn’t starting game 7 when he comes back even with a full preseason.

The point is that coaches only very rarely publicly acknowledge specific issues with players like that, they always back their players and try to downplay criticism. So it’s very noteworthy when they are willing to talk openly about a specific technical issue that a player has.

This is what Zac Taylor said about Chase’s camp drops last year:

“I’m not concerned about that [drops]. We want him to catch the football, there’s no question about that, but again, we just want to see progress everyday in all areas and I have seen him make progress as a receiver for what we’re looking for. Again, we don’t wanna drop the football, but he’s starting to make more plays for us and we’re heading in the right direction there.”

It’s a whole different tone to what Campbell said about Williams. Taylor said Chase is improving, Campbell says “he’ll never have elite hands” or words to that effect.

He’s a year two first round pick and Campbell is admitting there are issues about getting lined up, route precision and his catching. That’s not a good sign.


Called it in the other thread. A new “Lion” rule will be forthcoming.

Shut him down! People are pissed, but why. How can you miss something you never had?