Jameson Williams: 'We Can't Lose Twice in a Row'


Jerry Jacobs on Bandwagon Lions Fans: ‘We Ain’t With All That’

Lions want to prove they are no flukes.



If they get this guy going lookout

I see the growth


This must be the brand new Lions because in the past a Lions player would have never uttered those words.

Lose twice in a row? Hold my beer, say Lions of yore.


Very reminiscent of Paris Lenon saying “We can’t lose 16 in a row” going into week 17.


He looked dialed in last week. One of the few bright spots!


No offense, Jerry, but most of the people you are calling ‘bandwagon’ fans because they are calling the team out when they suck have been Lions fans longer than you’ve been alive, lil guy. But you keep on getting torched in coverage and being upset with the fans lmfao



Sure sucks to be

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Your post, unlike Jerry Jacobs, covers everything nicely.


While what you saying is true it is equally true that we do have by far the most bandwagon fans currently compared to any time in our lives. Don’t think that’s what Jerry actually means to be referencing. I think he means, “fair weather”.


yeah, you’re probably right. i was just feeling feisty lmfao

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Jerry would be awesome in that Will Harris role. It’s not his fault that he’s too far up the totem. Good dude, good teammate. He’s just not starter CB talented.


I agree. I think he’d be a good #4 behind someone good, Sutton, and Branch. Although, to be fair, I’m hard on the CBs but it’s also a result of what happens when you don’t have the talent/scheme to get to the QB. DBs can’t cover WRs for 3+ seconds regularly.


We need a true 1 to bump everybody down. Then we need to be actively drafting and developing traits types later year after year.

True 1, improved safety play and that James Houston chaos role filled and our defense is much better IMO.

Two of three of those may be addressed this year if rehabs go well. Outside corner we will simply have to work around.


THIS. I honestly think that if they could secure this and then add a couple pieces on the DL (most needed someone opposite someone of Hutch to generate pressure with the emergence of McNeil inside), the defense would perform A LOT better.


Kerby needs to tone sh!t down and we need to do better than Tracy. Otherwise we’re on the same page.

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I just find their to be an odd disconnect in that when you look at those peak Saints defenses when AG was the DBs coach the DB room was just overflowing with talent. Logic suggests, “hey maybe we should replicate the formula that works”.

I don’t think we tried until this year. Then given how far we needed to jump to be a true contender we had to take a leap of faith or two. Moseley was key (we all knew this. We talked about it) and it just didn’t work out.

So I get it. But no more excuses. We need high end DBs by year 4.


What I don’t understand is why Glenn keeps putting Kirby down in the box and Tracy deep. That plays into the weakness of both players. It’s not what they do best. Kirby probably intercepts that opening deep pass from Green Bay last game.


They want to have true split safeties capable of doing everything. But personally I agree. When CHGJ comes back then we’ll be able to maintain the unpredictability but for now I would also prefer a true/strong breakdown.


It’s stubborn arrogance like that coaches end up getting fired for. If your players can’t execute your scheme then you need change to something they can execute. I’m not interested in Glenn turning into don brown. Watching our defense get shredded because your scheme has linebackers trying to cover 4.3 slot receivers. Then sayin the scheme is good the players just aren’t executing it.

With all of the pre snap motion going on, weird matchups are going to happen. Personally I didn’t find that big of problems with AG’s scheme these last two weeks. They knew that if the offense plays well the only way to get beat was chunk plays. Unfortunate that given that mindset they gave up one to start the game but the underlying thesis was sound. The problem is that the offense hasn’t played a clean game since LAC.