Jameson Williams will never have good hands

Freep article, Free.

Couple of blurbs:

“(The drops) show up and that’s something we’ve talked about with him and he knows that, too,” Campbell said. “I think, man, working his hand mechanics. He’s got to work those pre-practice, he’s got to work them post-practice. And I mean, really, he’s just got to grind on it, and even then it’s not — it’ll never be probably be like one of these elite pass-catchers that you’ve seen, but it’ll be just fine with his speed and what he’s able to do.”

“It’s not an excuse, but he hasn’t practiced,” Campbell said. "I mean he didn’t practice last year. He came in during the year and we kind of had a couple plays for him here and there, but it’s not like — this is his first significant time to get (practice). He was hurt last week, so, man, the longer can keep him on the field and just keep working through these things, he’ll get better, but I would say that’s the answer.”

Campbell said Williams’ speed also has worked against him in a way because he has always been so good at creating separation against defensive backs, he hasn’t had to be a detailed route runner or precision ball catcher.


The last quoted paragraph, to me explains a lot of last season ineffectiveness.

He is learning better work ethics at the NFL level vs HS or college level. From what @QBHATER90 has said it sounds like his work ethic has improved and he is making progress. Should be a big year for him, opportunity is right in front of him and time to grab it. I think he does it.


If he’s not hitting the jugs machine for 200 reps everyday after practice with Amon, then I’m gonna question his work ethic


I would love if Jamo did that as well, but let’s not compare him to one of the hardest working players that I’ve ever seen in any uniform. Raymond was even talking the other day about how much harder St Brown works than everyone else.


Fair enough…100 jugs reps everyday after practice then? Especially if his hands seem to still need alot of work. To quote football Yoda, “with catching many balls, many balls to learn to catch you will!”


Lets all remember Jamar Chase……

All training camp. Drops.
Preseason 1 catch. 4 drops.

Rookie season 17 games. 128 targets - 81 catches
13 tds 1455 yards. Rookie off the year

Im not worried.

I fully expect jamo to be just fine.

Say 11 games 75 targets. 45 catches. 750 yards. 8 TDs.

I would be more than happy with that


Well, it is in Williams hands, literally, to make this happen.
Good news is, from reports, he is putting in the work.

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I agree with you 1000%….

The hype train for your Lions is cool, and it sure is fun to have something to look forward to…. But-

How many excuses are people willing to make for one particular player based on blind faith?

It’s one thing to look past the playbook last year as frustration and immaturity. It’s another to not care about the social media that was at the very least “in poor taste.” It’s yet another to excuse the gambling thing and debate whether the offense should even be an offense, and whether the punishment was “too harsh.” I guess taking videos of you blowing off fireworks at 2am, getting in fights with teammates, and DROPPING THE SHIT OUT OF THE FOOTBALL- are also no big deal….?

The mere fact that a respected fan/poster suggested that Jamo start working on his hands side by side with Ra, and somebody actually defended why we shouldn’t expect that level of work… is INSANE!!!

It’s not like one guy is practice squad fodder and the other an elite top 5…. The mid round guy is earning a 20M plus AAV deal every day, the guy we traded up half a round 4 for… drops balls, doesn’t learn the offense, and says abs does dumb shut off the field.

Why can’t we expect him to work for his 4-5M per? Without him being a B Ayiuk level starter, this WR corps is in trouble. I’d gladly trade Jamo for Ayiuk right now.

If he can’t catch at an elite level and won’t marry the jugs machine, then what am I missing. He’s OBJ without the highlights so far

At this stage in his career for a coach to say “he will never have elite catching ability” is disturbing.

I still think he will pan out, but not to the legend status we were hoping.


Kid needs to work with herman moore. Moore was big on making a triangle with his hands to catch and always catch with your hands, not your body.

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Nick Baumgardner tweet:
Jamo’s talent is real, we’ve seen it and can vouch for it. His love of football is real, have seen and can vouch. His teammates care about him, have seen/can vouch.

Reality is this guy has played one (1) full szn of serious ball in his entire life. He needs a minute or two.


I think the majority of us are not saying to give the kid a pass. He has a lot to prove. Most of us are just saying let the kid play some actual NFL football games. Campbell even said yesterday that last season was just getting his feet wet. He is healthy now and has had a full off-season to get right. If we are sitting there in week 12 and he is dropping footballs and running wrong routes, then I get it.

Randel El said back in OTAs that they re-trained Jamo on his technique on how to catch a football. He is probably still adjusting to that as well. Would I love it if he catch balls on the juggs after practice everday? Yes, but lets not pretend that is standard practice across the league for good WR’s. Everyone trains differently. Let the results, good or bad, do the talking.


No hes not going to be elite at chatching. Hes not a sidline diving toe tap catcher or hand fighting with the db.

Hes an ELITE route runner. Crazy speed.

His job is to creat separation and stretch the field.


Fire up madden and get that trade done then. Let us know how it turns out after years of simulating. Maybe we will all jump on board with you!

Haha :wink:

I’m about sick of the daily crap about Jamo. Even DC should probably stfu talking about him. It even makes him and BH look bad imo as if they didn’t do any homework on the guy before moving up 30 spots to take him.

Everyone just needs to shut up, and see how he performs in 2023. If he doesn’t play well. Have a ball with the Jamo roasting.

Perfectly said. Everyone getting their panties in a bunch over everything but actual football games. He left OSU because he couldn’t crack the loaded depth chart probably due to some of the crap that’s being talked about now.

Guess what…when he got on the field for another loaded team, he was a star. When it’s all said and done, what happens on the field matters most. Dude is a stud, let him at least attempt to be a stud before everyone anoints him a dud.


It’s called the offseason. This is what fans do in the offseason. Because, you know, there’re no “actual football games” to watch.

You’re welcome.

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Boom roasted!

Coach Dan: Jamo you gotta hit the jugs machine…



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The kid got by on pure talent in college, and he could because he’s that good.

He has the work ethic to get better in this area. Give him time.


Been saying this for months… this guy ain’t it. He’s not going to be what y’all envisioned. I’ll be surprised if he’s a Detroit Lion training camp 2024. This staff will cut its losses and move on. He shows little maturity and ability to compete at the the NFL level. Is he fast? Yes indeed. He’s basically John Ross at this point.