Jameson Williams working on releases with the St. Browns


Thanks Pride of Detroit KT = Keith Taylor CB draft pick 5th rd 2021 Panthers


Good. Hopefully he’s working out with them too. Let mr universe put some muscle on that skinny frame.


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Prob already been answered elsewhere, but is Jamo allowed to play in the preseason games?

I believe he is allowed to play in the preseason games




Yes he can practice an take part in preseason games an on the cut day that’s when it starts.

They are also running routes an catching footballs.


He should be working on releases with Hooker!

Good! Nothing bad can come of this.

We don’t need a deshaun Watson situation here.

But seriously couldn’t think of a better dude for him to be working with.

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Yes to both. If ARSB can’t get in his head, nobody can. They say AR-E is mentoring him, but maybe he facilitated a little “trip” down to the St. Brown’s place. Forget a couple of brothers and a father - that entire family tree doesn’t ■■■■ around.

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If I spent 15 minutes around his mother just being a mom, I’d immediately stop doing anything she didn’t approve of. That’s a mom to the tee that I would never want to disappoint. You don’t ■■■■ with German mom’s. Trust me, I know.

I still have long-time friends that do or don’t do things just because my mom made them pancakes once and sat down and ate it with them.


I have a client that is based in Germany but has major American operations in the US. In our meetings its mostly American men with a British gentleman. Then there is one German female who is technically the lowest ranking person in the room. Its funny that we are all willing to talk over eachother or get into little spats until she starts speaking. Then everyone shuts the F up and listens. Its interesting how aggressive the accent sounds, but she’s also so damn practical and straight to the point. I am not sure if she is even capable of suger coating something. :rofl: And when I see her walkiing around company grounds, it never seems like a casual stroll. She always seems to be walking with a purpose.

reminds me of a German version of the e4 Mafia … you will understand we you get to the “walking around with a purpose” part!

The E4 Mafia (if it existed, which it doesn’t) - Bing video

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Jamo’s football camp…


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