Jamo is fast

I felt like this deserved some recognition. It didn’t count, but what a sweet call and play (aside from the stupid hold).

Flea flicker, and Goff drops a dime to Jamo.

Then, Jamo looks like he tripped a little bit with two guys right on him, and he still outran them both! And I’ll say this again, but I still feel like he wasn’t running at full speed.

Just wow… once this guy has an off-season with Goff and St Brown and gets on the jugs machine, he might just be unprecedented in the league.


I can’t wait to see what he does with a full offseason. Maaaaaaaan. I think this offense is really a RG and a legitimate RB1/Healthy Swift away from being one of the best ever.


Yep. He looked hungry has hell last night too. Can’t wait for him to show it next year after a full off season. If we can get that timing down :flushed:

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I agree man. A healthy Ragnow too… but I think RG is legit addressed in the draft or FA. Throw in a new RB, and maybe swift can stay healthier with less snaps? You are absolutely right.

Also, I want another RB too, but when swift is healthy he really helps that offense. He had a ton of great plays for us last night and was running really tough. Just wish he could do that consistently for a full year


I like Jamo’s speed but his size scares me. I would like to see him put on a little weight in the offseason. I hope he can also get a good trainer to make his hands elite like St. Brown. When St. Brown first started last year he had a few uncharacteristic drops, just like Jamo had last night. St. Brown had a whole season to get use to NFL level tight windows and under duress throws (plus he works on his hands religiously). I hope Jamo can replicate that in the offseason.

Agree there too, Jamo needs to add some muscle.

Though if he keeps running away from everyone maybe it’s not so important! :wink:


That play was beautiful and he has such big play potential, he must scare the hell out of defensive coordinators.


Agree! He has had a couple drops this year but it’s crazy that every time he’s gotten the ball it’s been a huge play!


This concerns me too. Saw a play near the end of the game where the DB jammed him at the line of scrimmage and Jamo almost fell over. I get that this happens, but how is going to react to physical corners in the future? I can’t imagine he will be #1 WR (not that he has to be with ASB) material until he does put on a little weight and improves his strength.

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Jamo had a 41 yard TD catch, a 40 yard run on a reverse and that called back TD was 65 yards. So basically it’s about 50 yards every time he touches the ball… looking forward to a monster season next year.


That’s almost as crazy as what Houston did in less than half a season.

Almost :wink:


Didn’t Goff underthrow him when he had a couple steps on a defender for a 40+ yard TD against the Jets?


Can’t hit what you can’t catch lol

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Hahaha exactly!!!

I think I remember a quote from Barry, when asked about why he runs the way he does, he said something like “well I was always the smallest guy on the field so it made sense to just run away from everyone”

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Try that shit at your own risk as a DC.

If you don’t get a full jam on him, it’s over. He’s so far behind you that there’s no way to get back into the play. So now you have to commit to a jam and still have a safety over there to prevent the big play.


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