Jared Goff 2.0 - Ben Solak

Worth 15 minutes of your time


Liking it so far.

I agree that Goff has progressed a lot in 5 years since the 2018 season.

Makes me wonder, why can’t Purdy be rattled by exotic defenses? He doesn’t have the time in the chair that Goff does so it feels like defenses should be able to confuse him as he is barely a sophomore.


Excellent stuff, I really, really like Solak.

Probably like his writing better, but that’s also probably because his extreme baby face makes me feel old as hell


He’s a UofC grad. Clearly a very smart kid. I think some he’s a really talented writer. I like his game analysis better than his draft analysis but as I understand it the latter was his first passion. I also love that he doesn’t take himself too seriously.


Very instructive for a knuckle-dragging fan like me. Ben broke down the plays and flash decisions Goff made and executed to highlight his elite traits. I might, I just might get on the extend-Goff-right-now bandwagon before it gets too full!!

Maybe we might could win on Sunday…

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Ice Hockey Sport GIF by Carolina Hurricanes

I kid! We can always make room, 'fatso!

Good stuff! Thanks for posting.

He must have relationships that he doesn’t want to put in peril out in LA. “Experience” is the only thing he attributes to the improved play. Nothing about structure, coaching, personnel or play-calling.

Definitely trying to protect some relationships somewhere.

I did not get that impression at all. More than once praised the good players around him making good plays (personnel).

Also, you make it sound as though crediting experience is a slap in the face. Isn’t it common knowledge that people get better at things with experience?

Of course gaining experience isn’t a slap in the face. Talking about Stafford’s growth in 2014-2017 as “experience” with no mention of the impact Caldwell had would be an odd omission.

Solak is a tool. He was the guy who got schooled by Warner for saying Goff can’t play out of structure like Stafford can; using an example from Lions-KC and Rams-TB

Warner pointed out that the coverage looks actually dictated the throws and both QBs responded correctly

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Man you guys are sensitive. 100% of neutral fans would think this was an incredibly flattering piece. I thought so too.

Not sensitive. I chuckled as I typed. It was the sarcastic thought that crossed my mind. “Hmm, must have a contact on the Rams staff that he doesn’t want to upset.”
It is flattering, even if incomplete.

You could stand to lighten up yourself, LOL.
(kidding, but then having to point out that I’m just kidding seems maybe I shouldn’t be)

I’m sensitive

Buck up, little camper.
Hugs GIF


Good stuff.Thanks.

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