Jared Goff is a Soundbite Machine!

Here’s one of his latest. Fanfuckingtastic!!


That’s our Quarterback!


Taking the piss out of these clowns. Love it.


Wish he said something like “and if I ran a 4.3 and moved like a ballerina, I’d be all-pro as well”.

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He is definitely all in on Detroit Vs. Everybody!


That’s LOL funny.

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This was an angle that a few of the guys have been playing all week with all of their interviewees. Goff had fun with it because he knew (and said as much) where the question was coming from. He answered it perfectly, both the humorous part up front and in the answer he provided that there are all-pros on this team that don’t get the attention they deserve.

When you look at their team and what they’re lauded for, we match up at least as well on offense, going group for group or star for star.

Where we fall off a bit is on defense. We have our Bosa in Hutch and our LBs are probably the most underrated (even with some growing pains) group in the playoffs, but we still can’t match star for star on defense.

Anyhow, the way this story is reacted to, you’d think Goff took Woj to the mat, when in fact he gave Woj exactly what he was looking for for the article he was writing.

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GMFB played this interview this morning and all the folks on the set just loved Goff’s approach. Jamie compared it to Goff’s “Poor man Matt Ryan” comment on his post game interview earlier this year.
She said she loves Goff’s comebacks like this


He definitely has a good deadpan followed by a subtle smirk.


These reporters……

“but we’re Lions fans…. we can’t have nice things…”


If Goff hadn’t found redemption in Detroit, I would have moved on to the next best thing for the team.

Now that he has found his footing and more with Dan Campbell and Friends, I find him much more personable, engaging, pointed and authentic than the bland, perfunctory Stafford ever was. Goff’s pressers are just more better.


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