Jared Goff: The biggest challenge is to show we can handle a little praise -


Actually a very perceptive statement…3D chess. Its a very good thing for a team to hear…

“I think that’s the biggest challenge for us now is show our maturity, show that we can handle a little bit of praise and handle a little bit of people thinking that we’re good, and not change the way we’re approaching each week.”


Goff may be good with a quick sound bite, but if you notice they never show the full presser. If they did you would see that after 15 seconds they turn off the headset and McVay can’t give him the answers to any questions. He just stands there like a mannequin.


What…in the hell…are you talking about?


He has been to the Bowl, he’s a good leader for the team right now.
Talking from experience.


So, what he’s trying to say is, we shouldn’t bring back “Another One Bites The Dust”?


He is referring to when McVay would wait until there was 15 seconds on the play clock and tell Goff where coach wanted him to go with the ball.


I vaguely remember. I was just giving him some good natured ribbing.

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Good Lord no!
I thought that was so cool when they did it, and hated it ever since for what happened next.

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I think worrying about too much praise is a thing in his past. He’s heard that. He probably thought by now he’d have multiple superbowl rings and be a sure thing 1st ballot hall of famer.

He’s been through what he’s been through and come out the other side (some don’t). Most people that suddenly become multimillionaires would quit when things got hard. Goff could have easily quit after last year. Goff could have easily quit after a 1-6 start. He didn’t. That’s all we need to know about him.

Keep our O-line as a team strength. Boost the defense. Win a Superbowl with Goff.


Been there, done that

This is called a trigger in recovery!! :crazy_face::+1::pray::heart::upside_down_face:


As a long-term Lions’ fan I believe in every player and our staff, do what you do and control the game.

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When we were young and stupid we enjoyed it for a week or two
If the Lions were to do that again, we older fans would be pissed, and not just because of the history

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