Jarrad Davis still has a positive attitude

Detroit Lions’ Jarrad Davis: ‘I have the talent to be a good coverage linebacker’


I’ve always liked his attitude and he brings some nastiness to his game. I really hope he has some big improvements this year.


I hope he does so well we wish we would have picked up his option by the time the season is over


Knowing our luck he has a pro bowl like year, and moves on from us.


Agreed! We can only hope he becomes the player we all hoped he could finally become.


whether it be just overthinking or just trying to do too much

It’s funny when you hear a player admit it. We talk about it here, but then he just comes right out and says it himself.

The question is; Will the increased talent beside him and in front of him on the field give him a better comfort level to play within himself? Likewise, will the real competition behind him on the depth chart make him try to do even too much more?

The attitude is excellent. It’s a “show me” year. Maybe something comes together, but I am racking my brain trying to find a first round pick LB that finally becomes productive in year 4. My guess is, he is what he is. Again, as always, being a Lions fan, I hope I am wrong.


I wish his talent matched his attitude!!

I would love nothing more than to eat a big juicy crow sandwhich this year!!!

Yep - honesty and maturity… regardless of the why and timing.

I hope he stays. But more importantly that he stays honest, refuses to give into his own fears and grows into an awesome adult with a great personality…

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Not sure the round taken is the valid point …Kyle Van Noy’s first full year stats in NE nearly matched 3.5 years worth of stats with the Lions… Half of year 4 & all of his 5th year were huge improvements in stats …He did not get magically better he was utilized properly .

Davis will shine if used properly and not asked to do what he is proven he can’t .
I hope Patricia starts to cater to player strengths rather than forcing evidenced based square pegs into round holes

The problem is coverage. He says he’s a good coverage backer but admits he’s not playing like it. No matter how you slice it, if he’s lost in coverage then he’s going to be continually exposed. It’s hard to even make him the WILL because invariably he’s going to draw coverage responsibility on a RB and then it’s all over.

Still rooting for something to click for Davis and for him to turn into what everyone hoped he would be. He’s an easy guy to root for.