Jets trending up while we going

Backwards. Imo we both started from the same starting point. Still early but i wonder if we hired the wrong coach

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Saleh just isn’t Spielman’s kind of guy!

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That’s the problem! I prefer substance over rah-rah knee caps biting. Seems like a design PR stunt and we took the bait granted it’s early


Too much X’s and O’s, not enough “will power” with Saleh.

Dan Campbell believes in “willing it to happen”. He has the “right mindset to get the job done.”

Unfortunately we see results with Jets and not us.

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Agreed. Spielman hired the guy most like himself.

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This is crazy. The jets were abominable last year. Their message boards probably looked like ours.

The difference is they had a REAL good draft to add to their already more talented roster. I think the den is largely delusional as it pertains to the talent level on our roster and it’s been this way since the Caldwell era.

I think it’s a double edged sword when coaches have us overachieving and we start to think we’re more talented than we actually are. Our defense last year should rightfully look like it does this year. We just really worked magic at times


Jets? Hell, how bout them Bears, Giants, and Jaguars?! But all good…it takes 6 years to rebuild an NFL team bruh!



Dan Campbell Yes GIF by Detroit Lions

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The giants are the most impressive of them all. Seriously. They were bad and thought they were gonna blow the whole thing up. They have no receivers. And D Jones averaging ~150 yds a game.

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Imo most of the den isnt delusional about the talent on this roster…most know much of it, on defense especially, is dogshit…but also same most believe that’s on the GM and what’s trending towards becoming one of the worst coaching staffs in Lions history. Soooo, how is it other teams like the Jets, Jags, Giants, and even the fucking 3-1Bears are better at this point? Is it talent? If so, then our GM is dogshot comparitively. Is it the coaching staff? Then they need to be launched oit of a cannon.


I mean I wouldn’t agree about the level of delusion. I saw people saying this is a 10 win team. It’s POSSIBLE we win 10 games but we were NEVER a 10 win team.

And AG looks clueless at times but the amount of fire AG posts seems to really be letting the GM/talent level off the hook. It would take an absolute genius to come in and make anything of this shitty and depleted roster.

However I think brad holmes goes heavy with the talent infusion next year the way the jets and jags did. I think he had a long term approach and was hoping that DC could stall the fans in the meantime.

But overall people saying Caldwell underachieved is evidence of the delusion. The d-line he had to work with is probably worse than what we’re currently working with.


Jets cover really well. We do not.

Well tbf, Sala and company have had 6 years which is a normal nfl rebui…heyyyy, waaaait a minute!

He’s going to be doing it with a new coaching staff which may delay the rebuild.

The Bears are 2-3.

I don’t think we’d be delayed much. We have basically built our depth. Now we need playmakers. I think all of these guys are scheme flexible. And those who aren’t are easily replaceable.

Saleh is almost Halas backwards, so he has that going for him.

Or maybe it’s closer to Hell-yes.

There have been about 2-3 guys here mutter 10 wins… and some may have have mentioned that the easier schedule may be a factor in that result. Most posters are hoping 7-8 wins in a good schedule year.

Let’s get real here.

This is a team that Patricia drove into the turf…. ■■■■■■ the cap over big time…. and drafted like dog shit. Anyone expecting playoffs this year needs a mental health exam.


Oops, welllll alrighty then, for some reason I thought they were 3-1, maybe I confused them with the now 4-1 Giants…but we all know the Bears’ll still beat us twice…