I thought he may be a viable option
Then I saw this…
I thought he may be a viable option
Then I saw this…
JJ Waffle
He’s been very open from the beginning. He’s happy with retirement, he’s lost weight, so forth and so on.
Why do I keep seeing JJ Watt bandied about? He’s loonnnngg gone.
Enjoy retirement buddy, you’ve earned it
Clearly bulking up… For his return
JJ Fatt
Yep. He’s for sure staying retired.
I guess the call of the HOF is louder than the call of some more bling.
That’s a shame, but, there are a lot of guys that get old and pussy whipped.
Eating that shit? Sign me up!
Thank you for that. Now that song is going to be stick in my head all day.
He’s JJ Fatt and he’s eating slop;
Comeback rumors should now be stopped.
It’s 11 AM, and there’s ham and eggs;
Proving that Lions rumors just have no legs.
Sort-of-obscure, definitely old reference below:
Must be planning to play DT