Jonah Jackson contract What it could look like 2024

Our on staff cap experts here at AtoZ Sports have worked up a contract projection for Jackson and they think the Lions should offer him a one year, $3.5 million deal with two million of that guaranteed.

That’s a prove it deal for Jackson. If he can stay healthy all season and get his play back to previous levels, he can then come back in 2025 and have a chance to get the deal he was expected to get this offseason.
I would be ok a little more or add some bonus possible money.


I’d be shocked if we could get him for this. But if we could, yes please.


I think its low but looking at that type offer how about same offer that GG took last season.

Graham Glasgow signed a one year, $2.75 million contract with the Lions of which $2.5 million is guaranteed. So bump to 3.75 with 3 guaranteed. Last season Jackson cap hit was *$3,255,141.
So he gets small raise with a lot more guaranteed.

2 years 12 mill

You wanna win Jonah. Take it or leave it.

Said… the bald Villain :wink::wink:

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I was just thinking one year stay healthy an get your game back. I would bump GG up maybe 2 year deal like what you like.


The thing is the Lions are super bowl contenders now… we don’t need to overpay anyone and I love it.

Patience… and value are extremely important this offseason


Mine would be 1 year, $4M


I would do twice that.

Yeah, and that’s about where he’s valued right now. I just think he’s become a JAG, and if we can have this good of a season with a JAG at LG, imagine what we could do with an upgrade. And at iOL, upgrading can come cheap.

A one year deal serves everyone’s interests best. Jonah can reset his market and he is a Lion for one more season.

Get it done Brad!

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Glasgow also earned $1.75M in playing time incentives. $350K each for snap counts of 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%. Played in 90.1%


I think I just see him different than the current consensus here. IMO he’s a good player coming off a bad year.

If he’s right he’s easily a top 20 OG IMO and I think he’s closer to single digits than he is the 20s.

If we can lock up both GG and Jonah for one year for 13-14m combined I’d like us to do that. Then pepper the mid rounds for developmental OL. Honestly I was thinking 2/12m for GG and 1/8m for JJ.

I get that we need to work towards lowering our cap expenditures on the OL without lowering the quality of our OL play. I also realize the potential perilousness in attempting to do that. So let’s spread out the timeline of that objective to increase our margin of error.

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I wouldn’t label him a jag. The line was noticeably better when he was in. His play has just become too inconsistent for me. Plus his issues staying healthy.

Here’s how I look at it. At 1 year 7/8m we’re probably overpaying by $4m if we get 2023 Jonah and getting 5/6m in surplus value if we get the 2022 version. I’m okay with that gamble.

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Yeah, you’re right. Even at his best I thought he was an average starter. Maybe slightly above average. And that’s great on an OL, you always hear the key to a good line is to not have any holes. It’s better to have 5 average players than 3 stars and 2 holes. I guess I just think Jonah should be pretty easy, and cheap, to upgrade.

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He has a track record of injury I wouldn’t give him more then a 1 year prove it deal

He may be. I just happen to favor some risk aversion in our pursuit of a Lombardi next year. Especially offense.

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That’s fair. I wouldn’t mind it either… for 1 year $4M :smirk:

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1/4m with up to $4m in additional incentives
