Justin Fields Starting

Kevin Fishbain Bears beat writer reports Fields is starting tomorrow

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Ivan Drago Reaction GIF

Can’t believe they don’t have a meme of Clubber Lang saying “Dead Meat”.

That’s the one I was looking for, but this’ll do.
Love all of the casting in these movies, even the Creed ones. Pretty well done. Good man-movies!


Good news. Note to AG: Don’t injure him and ruin the fun.


Yup - Mix it up and keep him guessing, but err on the side of massive pressure. Let’s see him throw into NFL windows, while running for his life.

lets go running GIF by FilmStruck

Glad Fields is starting.

This is a big test for Campbell and our Lions.

I’ll be very disappointed if we lose this game.

The first 3 opponents…well I can see that.

But not this Bears team.

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My goodness, I hope we win… I mean I always hope we win. But if not, 97.1 all week will be all “they should’ve drafted fields, the lions are idiots they should fire everyone again!!!” I’m slightly, very slightly exaggerating.

Otherwise, it might be a complete WRCJ 90.9 week. Classical days and jazzy nights baby! Great station, side note/bump!


I’m still not going to underestimate their defense. Not as good as in years past but still pretty darn good. And it’s supposed to be rainy. Could be a real slug fest, even more so than usual. I always feel like when we play in Chicago it’s a slug fest regardless of the teams being good/not good.

Although the rainy conditions could play to our advantage with our new and incredibly improved running game. I wonder if maybe we roll with 3 RBs and Jefferson is active?


For what it’s worth here is the iPhone weather for tomorrow

Goff slips with the ball in rain, though. If we’re fumbling snaps, we can’t even run.

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Yeah… I thought of that too hahaha…

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I wanna see the D get after it. Break thru that weak Oline and dominate.


No offense to JJ, but this seems to me like the type of game where J Will and Swift each get 15-20 touches. Williams has been great with the power running and Swift has been CJ Spiller prime esque. Feed Hock short passes when needed and dominate time of possession. Keep the D well rested to blitzkrieg Fields on site. I want this one… BAD!!!


Hell yeah!!! Yeah I think JWill is our guy this week for sure. Just punish the defense with him, and wet conditions tend to favor the running backs.

Quick screens/dumps to swift, hock as you said, and their secondary has been suspect so far this year.

One thing I caught in one of the Campbell pressers this week when they asked about practicing for wet balls (lol) he said “we did that yesterday. Just dunked balls in a big cooler and then threw them out there.” Or something like that. But I do trust a coaching staff of former players is fully aware of the weather conditions and has prepared them accordingly.


A game where being able to pass deep might not be an issue. Better to be able to consistently punch them in the face!!!

So how would the SOL blow this one . . . trying to prepare myself.




Well I imagine it would be similar to the Philly snow bowl from a few years ago. We’ll come out with a huge lead, then get turnovers or a dead offense and they sneak up on us. We still have the ball at the end to win, but we fumble the snap, the ball bounces around for awhile and they pick it up and score a TD with no time left on the clock. The refs also miss a few blocks in the back, a face mask on Goff, as well as a defensive encroachment.

Fields throws 7/29 but has a TD and everyone says we should’ve drafted him over Sewell.

The discussion turns towards the Fords selling the team.

That’s my best SOL scenario


Niiiice! What did you search for?

Baddest black man not named Samuel Jackson in a film quotes