Kerby goes off on sideline


Yeah this is wild.

If CJGJ is telling you to calm down then something is up.


He’s probably embarrassed and pissed off. Good to see someone is.


Kerby has been pretty bad for the past several weeks


I hope Kerby is yelling at himself too, because he’s honestly been pretty bad. I know the fan base has crowned him, because of some Rodgers picks - but he ain’t it yet. If anything the shine is starting to wear off.

I think that’s the problem tho. Not enough guys are developing in this defense. And it’s clearly causing waves on the team whether Dan Campbell will acknowledge it publicly (which he shouldn’t)


It was also rumored the reason Buggs was inactive last week was him and AG got in a very verbal altercation.

Has AG started to lose his defense?


Kerby, St. and Barnes were the three non first round guys I was super early on that we ended up drafting. I love Kerby. I think his upside is through the roof. But Kerby Joseph has outside of a few splash plays has been dogsh!t this year. He’s just so damn undisciplined. And Walker just isn’t it. Our safety play has really hurt us this year IMO. We’re overall good enough to often overcome it but where I come from the most important part of safety play is to have the defenses back, be that reliable last line of defense and instead we have an uber talented guy that’s seemingly gone free lancing rogue and a guy that might not have even had it before he shredded his Achilles. CJGJ can’t get back soon enough.

And to be clear Joseph can still be a helluva player but time to get back to basics, Kerby. Hero ball can make zeros out of the best of us.


Buggs can go chase hookah skirt for all I care. Not part of where we’re going.


I feel like there was stuff earlier this year with him. Surprised he wasn’t traded. You’d think there’d be low tolerance for him.

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that’s not true. Where the heck did you hear that?

To the overall point, CJGJ is known to be abrasive and “weird” according to past teammates and lions beat writers…he wears on guys…never has an off switch and after a while people lose their cool with him. Kerby hasn’t been playing well, but I wouldn’t read too much into this right now.

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When everyone is “regressing” and very few are improving. Especially on a young team. That’s a coaching issue almost every time.


Someone should tell him we are 8-3 and that he should keep calm and carry on.

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All I’ve seen him do this year is make plays. You know, when he’s playing that is!

Cool, so what…maybe he needs to go knock on Brad’s door tomorrow then…

Shouldn’t have let Pleasant go. He’s proven and killing it in LA again. I know he’s not popular here but he’s been a stud when not paired with Glenn. I don’t believe in coincidence.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1725564340886216991|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=


I think Dre Bly was a mistake. And we worried about that when he was hired. Aaron Glenn has weaknesses as well but I do believe there are discernible strengths. But when an okay ACC program thanks you for taking their position coach off their hands that is a bit scary.


He’s a good coach. But it does seem from reporting that he went rogue and refused to pass along the marching order from Aaron and therefore AG. What are you supposed to do with that? He is a very talented coach and even after he was terminated our coaches were very explicit in voicing that.


I’ll just put it plainly bc I think many are here:

Kerby is chasing picks and it has to stop!

Hasn’t been a great hire to date, unfortunately. I just can’t stand the lack of growth on defense anymore. It’s been 3 years. The Lions dont need to be great on defense. But at some point a consistent average defense would be nice. And currently things are looking worse not better.


It’s been 2 steps forward 1.75 steps back. I mean they are better but we’re no doubt going through some sh!5 right now. I’m not going to sit here and suggest to you that the sky is green.

In my no nothing opinion, we have an identity crisis on defense. We don’t even know what kind of defense we are. That’s a tough place to be.

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