Kick Labrons Ass

They said that they wanted his son to die in a car crash. It’s either you love the guy or hate him

I know I’ve lost respect for this Pistons team. Lebron should have been put on the floor at least once during yesterdays game. Not by Stewart, but by one of this teammates. Stewart’s teammates should have had his back.


Lebron is a good man. He’s doing the best he can with where he’s at. He does the best he knows how to with helping humans, and truthfully, he’s just not a good leader naturally. Dude shows up in shape every year, and has been mostly durable, so from that standpoint, he’s been a good professional. He’s not a natural leader, as a man.

He is a very good basketball player, and you can’t be as good as he is without putting the work in. He’s done that, and it’s admirable.

That said, you can see victim mentality written all over him. He regularly succumbs to societal programming. You can tell within the first 3 minutes of watching him talk that he was raised by a woman (not his fault). He’s trying to lead men, but has a lack of grounded, centered energy. He’s a super-easily influenced energy. He’s not nearly as big an influencer as he could be…not on the court, not in life, etc.

Good human in general. Good-hearted. Struggling to feel worthy (big insecurities).
Spotty as a role model.
Succumbs easily to societal programming.
Imagine being 18 years old and these assholes calling you King James. Ridiculous handling. Someone who doesn’t feel worthy, that gets the majority of their feelings of significance from basketball battling the societal programming of being called “King James” by a bunch of people that get paid to dramatize and create ratings.

He has done pretty well, given the hand he’s been dealt. He’d be a happier dude, if he hired me.


100% true.

Lebron has tried to become a social justice warrior as well on Twitter, but he posts without doing any research and then always looks like a fool. I love that Kanter keeps calling him out.


Big difference between the energy of a “little boy trying to do the right thing,” and a “Man who knows who he is.”

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Well said.

Honestly, I can see him having mental problems after basketball. He lets a lot of things get to him.

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