Levi Onwuzurike continues to stack days, do more for Lions in comeback attempt


Love to see it, but, he still scares me.
I just hate the thought of cutting a solid contributor for a guy that has the issues he has.
I mean, we can be all but certain, he will go down again, and if he does it will likely be career ending.

If his contract is guaranteed, can’t we just cut him and pay his the same contract for being on the PS

My math shows we save 1.4 by cutting him…the new guy on roster would be about 900k. So 500k net cap savings only

Shows the work ethic of a pro’s pro facing adversity. Seems like Brad still hit on character
Hoping for Levi

Levi doesn’t have any more guarantees. Levi has a base salary of $1.3M and a workout bonus of $100K. The workout bonus has already been earned or not earned. So cutting him would save $1.3M (OTC isn’t adjusting for workout bonus already earned). A vet would be $940K, so you are saving $360K by cutting Levi (UDFA would be $610K).

Levi will make the 53 man roster or not based on his own merits. I don’t see any reason to play games for him. The one thing is, if cut, Levi is subject to waivers, he has no choice if claimed by another team. If say Covington is cut, he has a choice if he wants to sign for someone or not.


Would that solid contributor be Benito Jones? Benito at his peak is not hard to replace during the season, Levi at his arguable peak would be much harder.

The Lions would be nuts not to play Levi a bunch this preseason to find out what is what. I like good stories like Drummond and redemption for Levi, but my blather has to withstand the next 3 weeks. I hope it does.


I want him to succeed. It just scares me.
I hate, hate, hate, being a negative Nancy, but, I’ve been a lions fan for 55 years.:laughing:


I agree he is a major plus more he improves. Solid 3 tech behind Mac Then Buggs an rookie on NT. Like it an we have others who can move inside or outside. I think by end of game Jones might win the 5th spot inside if they are not sure on Levi. I hope rookie Durden makes to PS

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Not sure what you are scared of. If he gets hurt, you put him on IR. Then you sign some guy off the street that is equivalent to whomever we cut to make room for him. Not like we are cutting all pros.

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Go, Levi, go!

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A lot of guys going to have to eat crow on this one.

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