***Lions @ Bears Game Day Thread***

Am I the only one watching the Eskimos and Alouettes in the CFL Championship?

Huh we actually look pretty good.

Thatā€™s not the championship!

Woof, Driskell was locked in there.

Fucking FGs.

Nice long, time consuming driveā€¦FG


Iā€™ll take it. Lookin good

Up to the defense to actually show up today.

Whereā€™s the poster that keeps track of points left on the field?

Great start til the end there.

Letā€™s see how the defense changed this week.

Doesnā€™t look much different. Settling for a chip shot FG is what the Lions usually do.

Nice job snacks!

The Grey Cup is the only thing that mattersā€¦


Daniels a DE on that play

The Lions got this game. I am more confident that the Lions win this game than any other one this season.

Surprised they didnā€™t throw a flag on Detroit for running into the fair catch.

I wouldnā€™t hold my breath.

How is it we actually look decent running the ball today? Figure the Bears would want to force Driskell to beat them.

Lol Bears fans think thatā€™s not a penalty?

Awful call