Lions extend Sewell 4yrs 112M New Highest Pd OL in NFL

Career Right Tackle, now the highest paid OL in history for now, SOL…no. BNL.

Yep. Now go draft Sewell’s cousin to play on the line with him. :grin::+1:

“I love you” is the norm in our locker room. So many get freaked out over it. Feminine behavior, or connected to a deeper truth in seeing people for who they are?

This locker room has an honest, authentic bond with each other…with other men who are ■■■■■■■ DUDES!.. Not just humans that happen to have a penis…DuDES!

Nothing about this organization is lady-like.

Go love each other → because it s the honest thing to do. Get out o your ego…TRULY see people for who they are, and you will authentically love them.

Brad’n’Dan bring in guys who are wired to receive this. Love is the honorable thing to do…the honest thing to do…the aligned thing to do that makes us happy…because it is in alignment with the deepest desire of our soul…and that is aligned with who we are at our core.

I love that it is littered throughout our organization
…and I love you guys

Anyone would do more for the people they love, right. Foxhole mentality, IMO. Almost a genius move from a team building standpoint yet it’s one of the most basic human emotions.

Philosophy > Strategy
also easier to just be yourself, which is exactly what they re doing.

Nice find

loved it

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