Lions most likely to go from worst to first

This article on thinks the Lions have the best shot to go from worst to first. I think the author makes a good argument about the NFCN and the Lions chances. I tend to agree with just about everything he says. Including this.

I will never believe Jeff Okudah was the third-best player in this year’s draft class, but I believe in him as a legit NFL corner. Danny Shelton, Jaimie Collins and Desmond Trufant were strong veteran pickups addressing needs on all three levels.

And this …

GM Bob Quinn stole D’Andre Swift in Round 2. I expect him to be in the mix for Offensive Rookie of the Year.

Here’s the article. Let’s hear your thoughts.


Here we go…
Smoke em if you got em.

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As I alluded to above with my unenthusiastic Packers endorsement, I’m not ready to pull the trigger on Detroit winning its first NFC North title just yet. But it is very, very realistic. And you Lions fans need to start embracing it.

Maybe he’s right and maybe we do need to start embracing it.

I have to agree that both Min and GB took a step back and that the NFCN is wide open for the taking.

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I’m beginning to be pessimistic by nature w the lions. Seems like they should have a shot this year…but they never seem to rise to the occasion. It seems like other teams can have Weak-ish units and still Have a shot at winning divisions an making some playoff noise with even some making super bowls (patriots lose to Giants w 31st ranked defense) but the lions need to have top 5 positional units on all sides of the ball and still they can’t do crap.

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Never seem to rise to the occasion…

Yes, that has been the pattern… forever
I believe Patricia & Quinn are legit
I believe they’ve both grown into their jobs
And I believe they’ve mostly got the culture turned around as they wanted

Now, they have to produce— it’s that simple

Do I believe they can win the division?
Why not?
I’m not putting money on it but there’s no denying they exceeded expectations early last season
A couple unfortunate plays / calls hurt the early record, injuries — the season became a write-off
And that’s exactly what they did — wrote it off and got higher picks as a result

The FA period lacked splash, but I think, for the most part they upgraded talent across the roster
I think the draft was excellent and expect contributions from each player selected in the first 4 rounds for sure. First 3 players selected will each get a lot of playing time.

Being down on the Lions is the easy position to take
History is doubter-friendly

But yeah, other than the Lions, the division didn’t improve — others arguably regressed
So, yes, we should embrace it

By August it’s 12-4 baby!!
Let’s get crazy!!


Man, maybe people are too enamored with signing big contracts like we did with Flowers, but there was plenty of splash for me. Major changes on D and ST.

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I’m fine with the lack of splash
Wrote those words because many seem to want the splash signings
In FA I’d rather upgrade multiple positions to fill the roster
In my mind it’s better risk management to avoid the BIG contracts
But yes, I agree, many love the splash signings
The splash signings feel good but rarely live up to the hype

To me, Quinn has done a lot of good, incremental moves this offseason

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I agree. I do feel like FA was a good one for us. I think people are sleeping on Shelton and what he brings to Detroit and the role they need him to fill.

I feel like this is an article I wrote! To funny and also true.

I felt like the Lions were a tough out through the first 8 games of 2019. And now we get how many problems they had. And while we lost talent we seem to have added much more than we lost. Losing Slay and Kennard hurts but Jamie Collins and Trufant mitigate those losses. Shelton will be better than 2019 Harrison who was a hot mess in 2019.

The Packers never led the Lions in regulation in 2019. The Chiefs and Raiders won shoot outs with us late. And we had the Card number until the defense fell apart (a theme of 2019). The Lions also had luck against the Chargers and Eagles but overall this offense is better and the defense sure as hell seems better. And if that is the case yep, the last to 1st chatter will only grow louder. ESP. if Swift is the real deal.

Swift and Johnson may be the two most important pieces on the team. If these guys step up and threaten a defense on every play this league better watch out.

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If it was 10 years ago I would be a full blown drunk off the kool aid after reading that article. He hits on everything that has me excited about this team so I have been dusting off that bottle of Honolulu blue kool aid. I have seen this movie before so there is a lot of “ ifs “ that have to happen but on paper this team has more talent.

I loved the Swift pick and paired with KJ I think it’s possible we have a legit running game. Hock has to step up that is a big if but if he does and the O-line keeps Stafford standing up we are a top 5 offense.

The defense is a cluster fuck, I have no confidence in the coaching staff on this side of the ball at all. I think we upgraded on the D-line if they do their job they could be average. The LB’s are better I think Collins in the middle will be a big upgrade with Davis moving outside. If the D-line can keep lineman off them they are capable of making plays. Not sold on our ability to create pressure but we should be better against the run. The secondary is worse with the loss of Slay but I don’t think they are going to be complete liability. Okudah is going to make mistakes as a rookie but Trufant is a vet and Coleman can move back to the slot I think they can be solid.

Overall if the defense can be average and we can run the ball this team can win the division. That’s the positive, the negative we are the Lions and have seen this before. I have to see how the season unfolds before I believe in the positives. I’m excited for camp to start and I’m not looking at next years draft yet. lol

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I like our FA and I am probably one of those who feel Sheldon was a meh pick though.

I view him as a stop gap type of player. He’s exactly what I expected BQ to do. I doubt he’s anything special but he’s an upgrade over what we had last year.

I don’t know if our team can truly make the leap from worst to first. But I must say of all of the teams we have had in this position throughout the years…this roster seems the most capable of making than turn us this squad.

My issue still remains to be Patricia, I truly hope he has grown up after his initial failings and disappointments. Undlin is an unknown, but there is potential…so yay for that.

Bevell, Stafford and the talent on the offensive side of the ball are what keeps my hopes buoyed. I think the O will carry the team and the defense will adjust and develop…I just hope they do it in time to extend our season into the playoffs.

So much “hope” referenced in that response.

Take a chance — move beyond hope
Im expecting a good season
Worst to first would be a nice capper to the season

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As long as Rodgers is QB at GB and Minnie keeps their good staff, I see no reason the Lions win this division. But, first two games will tell a lot. Can’t wait!

I’ll be here year in and year out. I want this team to win.

I just want this team to take the turn that I have confidence in what they’re doing and are moving to be a consistently competant team that can challenge for a championship year in and year out.

Kind of like when the Red Wings and Pistons were in their best years. I was confident that they would be competitive and could make a strong playoff run.

That’s were I want the Lions to get.

Does it count if they are leading the division and the season gets scrapped because of Covid-19?

That’d be nice but very very few teams get to that level in the NFL
NFL is all about parity — we see teams rise and fall every year
I think it’s more difficult for teams to get to that level in the NFL

So — go nutz and set yourself up for disappointment!! :crazy_face:

That will be our luck …A dominant 2020 Lions Team on the cusp of Greatness has it’s season derailed by Covid-19

So — go nutz and set yourself up for disappointment!! :crazy_face:

LOL! Roger that Sleats