Lions need to hire a michigan guy

Doug Peterson hadn’t won a championship in any form as a coach and did just fine.

However what he did have was a former head coach to lean on as a DC.

The fact that Patricia didn’t get someone with significant NFL head coaching experience is a problem

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WAIT OUR HC is going to hire A “better / More Experienced HC than himself !?” OK…if you say so.
Somebody else Picked Matt Patricia who himself (had) no HC experience in the NFL, NOW he’s had 1.5 seasons worth of head coaching experience.

but let me tell you that this circus of Leadership started in the 1930’s . The Lions NEVER HAD competent Leadership , The Owners ensured that with their neglect. The Team pays the Price. even today.

Let me tell you something, not EVEN as a “Lions Fan.” that I surely am , IF I’m wealthy enough to and “wanted to” take on the responsibility of buying A NFL Team (Even as a Hobby) -like WCF- , I am GOING TO make sure that team has the best and FU^KING WINS !
The Fords made tons of money off the backs of Lions Players while losing most the time sure.

I make more money than them yet IF I build correctly from day one and get the best MY money could buy TO RUN the team from the top down, I build a solid foundation and keep it that way every year to LEAD this team . But my point is you get more money by winning, not doing things half way, hiring inexperienced / ‘first-time’ persons , or making shit up on the fly.

It’s not the team’s fault the owners were lack in the way they went about building the team once it was bought. But it has snowballed . In this circus, the team has had almost two-dozen ringleaders @ HC , numerous GM’s, OC’s, DC’s because it wasn’t solid from the start.

I didn’t say he would do it, I just said he should have. No more no less.

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Patricia doesn’t hire HC’s…Upper Management made MP HC and they also hire ‘another’ HC if they choose to. GM’s hire HC’s .

So Matt Patricia wouldn’t be hiring one -though you think he should have.

Patricia hires his coordinators. He should have hired a coordinator or at least a position coach with headcoaching experience.

I guess I’m lost . Patricia is our HC, but he should have hired a CO with “Head Coaching” experience. OR a position coach that had it.
Then what does Patricia do? can’t be a full-time DC because Paul P is the DC.

You really think Quinn hired Paul Pasqualoni without Patricia’s recommendation/insistence? Come on.

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Even people who follow and support the team have given up on them. The “enthusiastic” Lions fans are few and far between.

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I wonder what Mark Dantonio would like as an NFL D Coordinator.

I don’t care if the coach is from Trinidad and Tabogano. We need a great coach. Not sure we have that.

Wouldn’t mind seeing what Narduzzi could do with an NFL D.

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It looks to me like Dantonio is burned out.

The college rah rah rah guys never make it in the NFL. The row the boat stuff works with 3 star recruits because they feel like they have been slighted, but big time college players and NFL guys aren’t buying into that stuff. Fleck is perfect right where he is at. He has it made at Minnesota. He gets to play Nebraska, Northwestern, Illinois, and Purdue every year. He has Iowa and Wisconsin as his competition.
Fleck knows a good gig when he sees it.


I agree. Although a change of scenery would benefit him. He had a great run at MSU but it is time that he moved on. Does he even really want to coach anymore?

I’m totally good with giving MP another year (a fair chance).

If he doesn’t work out, let’s give Bill Cowher a blank check. That’s the safest bet out there, but I am not sure we have a big enough stack of cash to get him to do it.

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