I still love this logo. It was the one on the side of the little plastic NFL helmet collection I had as a kid. But I always saw it wrong. I thought the space between the arm and the chin was the eye and the arms were like a big goofy mouth. I thought it was just a strange ugly lion witn a weird misshapen face


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That’s a perfect example of a design concept referenced earlier. A Logo should “read” easy. Shouldn’t confuse, which the 1970 version does. Where the paw abutts the jaw is a problem. It’s improved in 2009 version where they added white interior strokes for mane, eye and to refine head shape. 2009 logo is quite nice, IMO.

In 2017 they updated it again, but only real change was to make the outer contour stroke grey instead of black. That change gives the logo a nice glowy halo.

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I love the overall look, appreciate the vertical bars, but think the lion could use a little work.

IT’Z Bad AZZ Brohammer Wheeze tha Juice !

It reminds me of my avatar. I very much like the alternate helmet.

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You nailed it.

Combo logo (credit: someone on reddit):

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More realistic version:


I like it.

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Yeah it’s a no brainer for the new unis really.

The main complaint people have (both in DET and elsewhere) is the skinny lion, which I happen to like for its retro feel.

The other complaint is that it looks too much like a Ford brand badge. To that I say, too bad. Detroit muscle is a feature, not a bug baby.

So yeah, this would work with the new blue helmet and (hopefully) old school block numbers and no experimental type font.

The Detroit Liagrons; Once a week, for four hours while the kids are at Grandma’s, we will bring you to Pound Town

Much better!

That’s what I’m talking about! Lions are kings of the jungle…should look like it.

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It. Is. A. Throwback. Logo.

Changing that makes it no longer a throwback logo. You know? From when we won championships!

Seems like marketing would teach you that.

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Nothing can be changed about this years “really cool” throwback logo.

I think, could be wrong, that people are hoping that’s not the new permanent logo when our new look comes out in 2024.

Everyone on this board is aware it’s a throw back look. And that it’s here for the upcoming season.

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I think you nailed your take on it.

To me I think the excitement about the new helmet is split. On one side you have some that love the throwback logo and will deal with the color bulllshit. And then there are those that love the color and will deal with the logo bullshit. And those in the sweetspot who like the logo AND the color of the helmet have decided to deal with the color of the grey uniform bullshit.

As you said, noone is completely happy and everyone is hoping for something different in the future and noone would ever want to see the 2023 situation become the new standard helmet/uniform.

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He has no balls. I mean not asking for MCDC size boulders, but at least Alan Harper size.

Whatever. Don’t like scrawny lions. And maybe 00.1% of the audience on TV is going to say, "That’s the logo back in their days as champions.

Anyways…I don’t take any of this as serious. Just something to pontificate about to pass time til training camp.

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The other 99.9% will say, “Did they even wear helmets back then?”.