I still want the Axel Foley letterman’s jacket


We have a tie! jthom & DBend, c’mon down!

Man I used to have one and lost it when I was on vacation a few years ago. Still breaks my heart.


When I was a kid, every time we went to a big city I’d parse all the sports retailers to find one. Never had luck. That was peak Starter jacket craze so that was the majority of jacket stock at that time.

My uncle gave mine to me as a gift. This was pre-internet days, I actually have no idea where he found it. He was a traveling salesman in the apparel industry though, so he would have had plenty of opportunity.

Think the original jacket is in the Smithsonion.

Lmao as if the Lions aren’t my squad regardless of how ugly the unis are. People care about different things. Do I like the logo? No. I don’t even like the current uniforms. I also don’t like the fact that any position can wear any number. I complained when it first happened and never mentioned it again.

Perfectly fine for me to have an opinion on a thread talking about the alternate helmet. And I responded to a dude who acts like some hate the logo because we don’t get it. Uhhhh…pretty sure everyone on this board gets it. It’s a pretty knowledgeable place in terms of knowing all things Lions. It’s not complicated, it’s simple…they ugly.

Doesn’t change a thing about how any of us feel about the team. If I haven’t left the Lions to this point in my life, safe to say I never will lol.

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A Packers logo on a Lions helmet!? I say this with love man… but

Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

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Of course it’s fine to have an opinion, that’s what this place is for. But it’s also fine for me to think your opinion is wrong lol. Clearly by calling it a kids drawing or your nephew’s contest submission, you also think my opinion is wrong. Which is fine.

You just seem worked up about it, is all.

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Well I think it’s obvious that I do kinda care how things look. And I don’t like the look so I’m expressing that lol. That’s also obvious right?

But like I said that’s not gonna make any real fan jump ship. I have never seen the Lions do anything in my lifetime and I’m 39. It’s still my favorite franchise in all of sports and it’s not even close. If losing didn’t change that, a disliking of what they wear isnt gonna change that.

You are gonna see me comment on something that I care about. If you don’t really care about the subject, why exactly do you care to keep responding to me directly? It’s all good I am fine with it, just wondering why if you could care less.

That’s fair. Mostly it’s because I see people getting worked up in this thread and all I can think is in six months, no one’s gonna care. But then that’s true of a lot of message board threads, I guess I’m just bored. There’s nothing to talk about so I’m talking about this, even though I don’t really care. So, I will bow out of this thread. Enjoy your discussions about fashion!

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Not a fan of that logo.


But guess what? My opinion means nothing to what the team does or how it performs, so it matters not :joy:

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Trust me I wish I wasn’t this petty! :joy:

The problem is you’re too young.

this is 40 man GIF

LOL, when he said 39, I was like dang that was 20yrs ago…just a babe when it comes this Lion fandom thing.


Its still ick…


Yall scratch up 2 million and Ving Rhames,
and I will Mission Impossible 1 that thing right up and it can be the rotating Den Grandfather League Trophy

Tom Cruise GIF

Thay also have “The Swamp” from MASH, the Mel’s diner sign, Barney Miller’s sign-in board and Archie’s chair. Pretty damn cool.

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It’s June. We got nothing else.

And you can’t bail on this thread, dammit! We need to settle this and get everyone on the same page. Got it!? :rofl:

No Way Reaction GIF by CBS