I’m bored…

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that helmet is pretty damn awesome.


Link to Lions players & Campbell commenting on helmet:

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Wow! Definitely in the minority here. Hope it grows on me…hope

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Drink a couple more of those IPA’s and you’ll be online shopping in no time for a new logo T-shirt! :smile:


Anything Politician GIF


Switch to bourbon, acceptance comes faster that way.

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With bourbon, the new T-shirt wouldn’t cut it, probably need a full size helmet.

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My AFC team is the Chargers. Here’s how it’s done right.


Ugliest unis in the league? Play in the same stadium as Chargers.

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Thank you! Why don’t more fans understand the significance of this old logo? I’ve always thought it was a totally cool logo and was evocative of something you’d see on a car…hello? Motor City? Plus, isn’t this part of an alternative uniform- not a complete change of the whole brand? I just don’t understand why this is getting so much hate from our own fans. I do agree this will look better with an all white uniform.


Over 98% of fans around the country won’t have a clue that the vertical bars are connected to an auto badge. The focus should be the Lion, and the bars diminish that.

I’ve been in marketing/design for years and a few rules:
-It should ‘read’ easy.
-Keep it simple
-Design for an audience
-It should look great in black and white

If they want people to think auto, they could have gone metallic shades and cat-like. Something like this:


This thread summarized in a gif!

right GIF

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I really dislike the shiny numbers & helmet

“pretty” & soft

Is that a Ford Jaguar? Oops, answered my own question.

You think it’s disliked because it’s not understood? Nope…it’s disliked because it’s stupid af looking lol. It’s a kids drawing…

It’s a pro sports team. What does a Lion have to do with Michigan or the city of Detroit? What does a Tiger have to do with the city of Detroit? It’s a sports teams nickname. This whole thing that there is history behind the logo means nothing to some.

Sure, some care about the connection to Detroit. But some don’t…what don’t you understand about that? There are plenty of sports teams (maybe the majority?) who’s logo or team name have nothing to do with the city they play in.

Our logo is one of the best in sports (my opinion), so of course I don’t want to see my nephews contest submission be our teams new logo.

And in reference to this just being an alternate…we are potentially getting a whole new look in 2024. Those of us who don’t like it definitely don’t want to see it as the new permanent logo.


lucas why are you attacking me GIF by The Bachelorette

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Win ball games, and you can have uniforms as ugly as the Green Bay Packers, and people still like them.

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I think I’m much more of a wgaf when it comes to this sort of thing. I’d root for the Lions with the poop emoji on the side of their helmets. I’d root for them if you put the Packers logo on it. As long as it’s us I honestly don’t care.

But I also happen to like the way it looks. I have a lot of shirts and jackets with that logo on it.