Lions roster preview: Is Ifeatu Melifonwu a long-term answer at safety?

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If he stays healthy I’d call that a win. He won’t of course.


He’s an in the box safety only, he’s good against the run and has a nose for the blitz… He’ll have to be protected in certain situations, I think he’s a valuable piece to the team, but not a complete safety… More like a hybrid LBer

if he can be healthy?-yes. until he’s released or gone.

I’m just gonna say this… he came on strong the last 7 games of the season.

Kind of like how Amon Ra came on strong the last 7 games of 2021 season.

Iffy, if he keeps that momentum will be a stud safety for us in coverage, tackling and all makes the big plays sacks/ints


He’s very athletic with injury concerns. Paying him a lot of money seems risky.

Lets see if he can play a full season before making any financial commitments

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I don’t understand this talk about how he’s not a complete safety. He has a CB background. Long speed. Physical. Great blitzer. Ball skills. He’s shown he can play in space. If he’s not a complete safety, I’d take another one just like him any day of the week.

Many last year had him outside of the final 53. But if you really really watched tape of him, even as a CB, you could see the dog in him. He’s not afraid of anyone. You know how Kerby is Aaron Roger’s father? I think Iffy is Justin Jefferson’s father.


The correct answer (IMO) is “don’t count on it”, although it’s ok to be hopeful.

The great thing about Iffy is that he is just learning to play the position.
Last year was the make or break year for Iffy to be an NFL player.
He proved he belongs in the NFL.
2024 is the year Iffy proves he can be an NFL Starter.
Iffy was great at playing in the box and blitzing. His huge size was like having another LB in the box. He was also good in zone coverage. His length and speed allowed him to cover a huge area and finish the season with 8 PBU’s and 2 INT’s in only 7 starts.
His height and size is a disadvantage in M2M coverage. An are that ran him out of the CB position. Iffy may be asked to play more M2M coverage in AG’s revamped defense.
He has to show a true understanding of the position, consistency, and most importantly, AVAILABILITY.

I think Iffy will have a Breakout season and give Holmes a difficult decision on Iffy the Free agent.


I think Iffy could be an all pro and he would still be a goner. There’s only so much money to go around and you still have to think Branch is definitely a long term starter and there will be a rough decision on Kerby.

Episode 4 Yes GIF by Ninja Warrior

I like Iffy. When coupled with Joseph I think he gives us one of the best young safety tandems in the league.

There are so many variables (Direct & Indirect) that can impact the decision on Iffy.
-Increase in 2025 Cap: Large increase could provide additional capacity to sign Iffy
-Injuries: Long term injuries to key players could create ability or need to bring Iffy back
-Performance and Free Agent decision on Davis: Davis is another high end Free agent that could consume or open up cap space. Letting him go creates cap space to re-sign Iffy
-Performance of Arnold & Rakestraw: High level play by the rookies could allow Holmes to let Davis go opening up space for re-signing
-Performance and Free Agent decisions on McNeill and Decker: If Holmes is unable or unable to bring either back it opens a lot of cap room.
-Performance of Kerby, Branch and Slot CB’s: If any combination of these players doesn’t play well the need for Iffy is elevated.

But most of all Iffy has to play well or coming back is not an option.

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