Lions sign Peko

I totally agree. But at this point his old D-line coach got him in the door. McNeill and Wingo have guaranteed slots. He has to beat out Levi and Chris Smith.
Peko can also play some NT in a pinch and Reader is coming of injury and BroMart is very raw. He’s got a chance to make the roster if Reader isn’t ready. McNeill would have to slide back over to NT and Peko could slide in.

Those who keep writing off Levi are going to be eating crow this season. Our new DLine coach specifically named Levi as the player he was most excited to work with. Williams thinks he can turn Levi into “something special”.

Sure hope so👍

I don’t see it. Levi played last year without injury. Not a lot but he was injury free. It’s baby steps. Peko is 30 and a gypsy. He’s insurance at most.


Woah… the g word is a racial slur like the n word.

Really? Never heard that before.

Over time, the term has taken on a more general meaning and is now used to describe anyone, regardless of race or color, who travels from place to place.

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Peko is da guy yo?

Friends Hug GIF by LosVagosNFT

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It absolutely is a nasty racial slur and is not acceptable. I don’t believe in censorship so you can say the word. But you can also be punished for saying it. Hate if you want to. That word is far worse than black face in my opinion and that can get you retroactively fired.


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