Lions still not getting respect

Maybe just me but it seems to me the lions should be mentioned more on tv if this was any other team air waves would be flooded

I turned on NFL Network as “background noise” as I left to get my wife from the airport. They were talking about the Chiefs. Its 14 minutes there and back, plus time for loading luggage and getting smooches (with inevitable boobie rub and butt smack). When we walked thru the door, they were talking about the Chiefs. Were they talking about the Chiefs the entire time, or did they happen to circle back to them as I walked in?

Chiefs for 40% of the show……
Dolphins for another 20%….
Bengals for about 15%….

and the rest of league got about 25%….

which included M-Rob polishing Josh Allen’s jewels,
and David Carr using all of his air time to discuss his brother.


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Do Not Touch Star Trek GIF


I believe it was Trent Dilfer that said the network would try to force feed Cowboys stories into segments, even if there were bigger stories to cover. And sometimes they would even “tease” a Cowboys story in an upcoming segment…even when there was no story to report. It was just to keep people tuned in for the other stuff they were covering.

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We were the biggest story in the NFL nation last season and presumably will be one of the hottest teams to start the season.
That said, good! I love the disrespect.
I’m going to love it even more next March.

I am ok with the Lions not getting any respect. While were at it I need every other teams writers, coachers, and players to say how absolute crap St. Brown is and how they are even more glad today they didn’t waste a draft pick. I won’t be happy until Amon comes on the field foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal.

Ocho Cinco just made a comment that I found interesting…

he said Jerry Jones may be dragging out the contract issues with CeeDee just to keep the media talking about the Cowboys.

That actually is an idea I can believe.

Jerruh always wants his “Boys” in the spotlight.
Probably more worried about attention than winning.


He is ruled by his ego.

That franchise is the opposite of ours.

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