Lions UDFA profile: CB Steven Gilmore

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Gilmore looks like the PS guy so he can mature for a year

Starling looks like the guy that makes the roster


Campbell compared him to Jerry Jacobs, this morning.
Gilly will make the PS.
At this point, it looks like Lucas may be a PS candidate, too. If he clears waivers.

I think they both make the 53 in order to keep both. The Lions can cut Harris an keep Gilmore then Harris to PS as a vet he can’t be claimed. Then he can be active off PS 3 times then signed to 53 if Gilmore fails or a injury happens. You can do this legal use Harris if needed an then sign when required. This can be done at WR they can keep Dylan an release Jones sign jones to PS then use as needed . They get there full contract an help out team. I think its possible to get either maybe both Green an Mims to PS.


I thought that four PS players could be protected each week. Are you saying that the four that are protected need to be veterans? I thought that you could protect anyone?

No here is example only Lions cut WR Jones he can’t be claimed he is a Vet they keep Dylan with space that would have say been Jones.

Day after the 53 Jones is added to PS Jones can be promoted 3 times Think its 3 for game day. Now after the third game for Jones could be game 5 they keep him out a couple Now they sign him to roster an release a player or maybe a injury . Thing is this is legal an the cut vet still gets his money an trusts the team

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Jacobs & Starling are both scrappy UDFA (Moseley as well). I can see the comp there.

Lucas is a guy we handpicked (drafted) not a UDFA. He has played inside slot and is focusing outside now just like Sutton did in his career.

I like Starling and Lucas as the backups. Gilmore on the PS.


Maybe. You’d have to have a great rapport with the guy. You cut Marvin Jones, then he is free to sign with 31 other teams. Its risky.

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