Lions vs Ravens game-day thread

And that last drive by simply playing for a FG…thats classic Lions losing football…we ALL saw it coming besides Dan and company.

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If the TV was correct it was blatant

Don’t worry, we’ll get that official apology from the NFL and still rack it up as a loss.


:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

Say what you want about timeout management, refs missing the delay of game etc. but you can’t let up a long completion like that on a 4th and 19.

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I used to think my life was a tragedy

Bomb past midfield given up on 4th and fuggedaboudit? Check.
Screw job from incompetent officiating? Check.
The other team sets an all-time record against us? Check.

Lady’s and germs, your Detroit Lions!


I was there when they kicked a 63 yard game winner vs us, glad I missed this one.

But now I realize, it’s a comedy

Come Monday, Tuesday, whenever, the league office will say: yeah, the refs in the Lions-Ravens game missed a delay of game penalty.

Sorry about that, Lions.

You know it’s coming, right?

Season 2 Wtf GIF by Parks and Recreation

If this bullshit is the difference between picking say third vs 6, that’s ok.

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I think it has to be off the game clock. I just can’t fathom that otherwise. Too basic to miss by that much. I think but who knows. We’re the Lions. We might get an apology or something.

I hated that defense on 4th and 19. Dumb!

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That hurt but man what a game by the team. Lets go get that #1 draft pick.


It had to be correct because the announcer counted it down and everything, then it was two seconds later that they snapped

I’m really starting to dislike this Justin Tucker guy


Dan and company have a loooooong way to go, SOL is alive and thriving, looks stronger than ever.