Lions wanted QB Josh Johnson but got blocked by the XFL

Maybe they should’ve kept him in the first place?!?

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Lol. Quinn can’t even outperform the XFL execs. Maybe he can try to fleece an arena team. What a joke. Maybe if the dude actually looked for a legit backup QB and RB in the OFFSEASON, the season wouldn’t be over by Halloween for the 2nd straight year.


I wondered the same and would have kept him over David Blough.

That’s kind of a dick move by the XFL. If I’m a player in that league, isn’t it my goal to get to the NFL?

And the league is actively blocking that from happening?

Is this to replace Driskel? or is this to backup Driskel?
Does this mean Stafford is done for the year?

I would assume to compete with Driskel. My guess is we don’t see Stafford again this year.

Saw on Twitter Driskel is dealing with a hamstring injury.

What about david fales? :face_vomiting:

I don’t think we count. It’s the goal to get to the *NFL.

  • Not including Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Jacksonville or Miami.

You spelled it wrong, it’s Fails.

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We lost to the XFL, the Dolph Lundgren of professional sports, one day after losing to the worst team in the league.

Seriously fuck this week.


Pretty sad that our GMs answer to the backup spot was 2 guys named Fails and Blows.

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Maybe the Lions can sign QB Tyler Bray from the Bears practice squad. :grin: NFL will probably block that too.

Another one that the casual fan can see, but Quinn somehow can’t – or he wants to out-smart everyone…including himself.

Yeah. It’s like giving him credit for Bo Scarborough. He was Quinns 12th choice at RB. It took for 10 guys dying for him to even get here, yet in week 12, hes better than all the other trash Quinn wasted time on. Just straight luck. Hes bad at evaluating talent. Very bad

XFL contracts prohibit jumping to other leagues …“the document permits the player to leave for the NFL, but only after the end of the XFL season. Before May 31, 2020, the player is stuck.” That is in place to prevent disruption to the XFL rosters, exactly what the Lions were trying to do,
for example.

So, the XFL makes their players sign a no-jump clause for 30k a year salary? JJ would have been better waiting on a NFL team to come calling.

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Yes that’s correct. The quarterback position is unique in the XFL that the pay is considerably higher than all other positions and quarterbacks that have signed have been officially assigned to specific teams by the XFL League. Quarterbacks if I remember correctly on what I read can make up to a half a million dollars or more.

XFL quarterbacks will make 10 times the salary of their teammates

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